Quote Originally Posted by jensenjim View Post
hello and thanks for the help
I have come to the conclusion that there is no practical guide to follow that explains how this system works.
I had high hopes I could get these servos working, I have them installed completely now, 4 axis, channel 0 and 1 to follow 0.
at this point I give up. I have tried to copy other posts to make any scense of kflop and there is nothing available that i can understand.
I will trash this setup and try to install stepper motors and a controller that i can configure
There are lots of guides (and guidance here from experienced people) for tuning PID loops

Note that PID tuning is not really a Kflop specific issue, but rather a general closed loop control setup proceedure

You look like you are pretty close, your display looks like a classic underdamped (ringing) response
and pretty much exactly what you would expect with torque mode servos with D term=0 (as your screen shot shows)
I would not give up when you are so close

Did you try increasing the D term as suggested?