I recently bought an acorn and have installed it on my milling machine. I also read Ray's thread on the acorn and I almost did not buy one. Rays point about things being difficult to find because of the lack of documentation is accurate. I had a few issues with that. You will have to watch some videos. You can also go to their forums and a lot of information is there. Some information is in the operators manual. Most of the things he complains about are no longer issues. The product is evolving and improvements have been made since Ray's experience with the acorn. I really think he gave up on it to easily. I recommend you read a bit more about it. Don't base your decision one one thread in the internet. I don't see a lot of complaints about the acorn.

I have the acorn installed and running but I still need to do the test cutting. The install was easy but took longer than it should. I have the mill in an unheated shop so I have not been spending much time working on it.