After years and years of running with no problems, I started having random reset issues.

I've already checked all the usual suspects - electrical noise, loose connections etc. but still can't find the issue.

I was pretty convinced it is electrical noise on the limit switches but now I'm not so sure. What I've done is added some Input triggers to zero the A-axis when the limit input goes active, and another when the E-stop line goes active to zero the B-axis. I just type some BS values in there and in testing, it works. Trip a limit, the A axis zeros and same with the e-stop button. However in practice it's not working.

I just ran something and it reset during the cut, but neither the A nor B axes have zeroed. Now it could be that there's some sort of debounce on the input triggers and that's why they're not being activated. e.g. a glitch on a line causes an e-stop but the glitch is too short to be picked up by the input trigger.

Is there any sort of log file that's created during a run? It would be ideal if it would log the cause of the reset.

I'm currently running V 1.2008 but can switch to something newer so long as one doesn't have to mess with it too much. I've got a ton of jobs to do and can't be messing with a new install right now unless it's drop it replacement.

Any ideas?