HI there!

I am a newbie to laser cutting and engraving.

I have recently bought a 50 watt laser cutter from China and cannot work out how to increase engraving speed. I tried making a 15cm diameter circle design and it took over 1 1/2 hours with very little details I understand I should be able to do 200 - 350 mmm per second. But I can not go over 10mm per second.

If I go over this speed, it goes even slower then 10mm per per second.

What am I doing wrong!? I use corel laser/draw. X7. I have been at it for weeks speaking to supplier, facebook forums, Google and YouTube but I am getting nowhere.

I have tried 300 DPI.

Any guidance will be great! I just want to get in there and start making some beautiful designs!

Thank you!