This is the image I was trying to attach to a dialog for manual tool changing. I took the default .svg tool image and imported it into inkscape, saved as .png with a transparent background. Is there a better way?

This is my code:

(dlgname,Tool Change)
(dlg,move to tool change position, typ=label, x=20, w=280, color=0xffa500)
(dlg,./IMG_Tool_Change.png, typ=image, x=60)
(dlg,Press OK to begin, typ=label, x=140, w=150, color=0xffa500)

G90 G15
G53 G00 Z-.1
G53 G00 X7 Y-18

(dlgname,Tool Change)
(dlg,Continue, typ=label, x=140, w=280, color=0xffa500)

I'm not finished with it yet, because I want to add the ability to skip the move to tool change position. I haven't figured out how to do this yet.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.