
I have a "new" (to me) a Doosan 3016 and I do have the manuals but nowhere in my manuals do they show the configuration of the chip tray / coolant tank and in setting this one up I feel like either I did it wrong or am missing a piece (or wtf with the design ??).

Basically: any time you run the coolant, as it leaves the machine and drains out to hit the tank there is excessive splashing as it hits the chip tray. Now, ok some splashing is normal. But this is excessive - to the point where theres a huge puddle to the side of the machine if you run coolant on for any decent length of time - and no it isn't leaking. The puddle is from overspray / splashing as it hits the tray - and a few drops bounce out but it really adds up fast. For now I've just rigged up some "walls" but I'm thinking I've set it up wrong as no one else I see in pictures has any "walls" set up nor do they have big puddles beside their machine...the tray has its own "walls" along the front edge of the machine but its as if they needed to be extended and wrap around...

and what are the two small "cutouts" at the top of the splash wall (one on either side) for ? it looks like some sort of contraption (that I might not have) would go into there...

thanks for any tips