First time ladder making. My goal was to get data from PMC to variable macro. SUCCESS!!
However, my signal interferes with each other. I'm sure there are other better ways to do this, but please help me understand my current issue maybe.

Here's my current lines, very simple:

So, the data moves to macro variable just fine.
Problem is I can't have them both active at the same time for some reason. It can be either / or.
I assume now that the WINDW can't have 2 instances running at the same time.
I'd like to have the signal 'finish' then scan to the next WINDW command but I can't figure out how.
I keep reading about W=0 or 1 and the ACT=0 or 1 but I can't understand in the Fanuc 3 software how to make that happen.

On a sidenote, my inputs are the actual sensors on my machine. The R address (outputs) though I just chose because it looked like the thing to do. I don't really need them. The WINDW is all I needed.
I hope I'm missing something simple, I just can't wrap my melon around it.