Hi All,
Looking for some help getting my pcnc 1100's controller back on my network.

Background is, recently updated my main pc to windows 10 because of windows 7 end of life stuff. Prior to this I could connect to my mill controller just fine, with it's name showing as tormachpcnc.

For those that might not know, newer versions of window 10 did away with the home group method of networking. Now it's just called networking and the system is supposed to just discover everything hooked up by wifi or ethernet.

My pc "sees" the other windows machines on my network, but neither it nor the other windows machines sees the tormach controller.

My main questions is, I'm not sure if I should attack this from the windows 10 end or the controller end? Maybe it has to be both? I've thought that deleting the networking stuff on the controller and starting over might be a good start, but i really don't even know how to to that with linux systems.

A complicating factor it that on the main pc it does show a computer under networking that I can't access with a seemingly random name, "BRWD44B5EF773", not the old tormach's "TORMACHPCNC". This name only shows up on the main pc, but all the other windows machines were added after the original network which showed the controller.

Any help would be appreciated!
