Hi All,

1st time poster here. My friend and I have just put together a Millwright Carve King
and we have it working according to the manual.

We are buying off the shelf ABS enclosures and then trying to mill circular holes in it.
The software we use is as follows:

1. ExpressPCB to generate the Mechanical DXF
2. DXF2GCODE (Fri Oct 25 20:45:56 2019 +0200 $) to Import the DXF
3. Universal G-CODE Sender (Product Version: Universal Gcode Platform 20190814)

When I load the DXF file into DXF2GCODE it looks normal,
I see 10 Shapes (all circular, I remove the outline). I then Export it to GCODE
However when Import the GCODE file it shows an extra 5 circular shapes

I have pictures attached. I also tried using 2 different software to generate the DXF file
and same results

Any help would be appreciated.