ABS, PC, AS, PS, etc. The following are the requirements for reasonable selection of injection molds: (I hope it will help you).

1. High corrosion resistance Many resins and additives have a corrosive effect on the surface of the cavity. This corrosion causes the metal on the surface of the cavity to be corroded and peeled off, the surface condition is deteriorated, and the quality of the plastic parts is deteriorated. Therefore, it is best to use corrosion-resistant steel, or chromium plating and cymbal nickel on the surface of the cavity.

2. Good abrasion resistance The gloss and precision of the surface of the injection molded plastic parts are directly related to the abrasion resistance of the cavity surface of the injection mold, especially when some plastics are added with glass fiber, inorganic fillers and certain pigments. With the plastic melt in the flow of e79fa5e98193e78988e69d8331333431356132, high speed flow in the mold cavity, the friction on the surface of the cavity is very large, if the material is not wear-resistant, it will quickly wear out, causing damage to the quality of plastic parts.

3. Good dimensional stability During injection molding, the temperature of the cavity of the injection mold should reach more than 300 ° C. For this reason, it is best to use tool steel (heat-treated steel) that has been properly tempered. Otherwise, it will cause changes in the microstructure of the material, resulting in changes in the size of the injection mold.

if you want to learn more,please refer to https://stebro-mold.com/