Hi all,

New member, and relatively new to CNC machining (so apologies in advance if I'm asking a rookie question, or if this has already been covered already... but I had a look through older threads and couldn't find an answer).

I'm using a Multicam dual function tangential/oscillating knife, and regularly switch between a straight blade and a 45 degree knife to cut through a felt-like PET panel.

Trying to ramp into the cut (using a 45 degree knife head) at an arc along the Z axis (so that it slopes gradually into and out of the cut) - but I can only find the toolpath setting to ramp into the cut along a 2D path.
I understand that this will be difficult for a 45 degree knife to achieve, but I would also like to potentially be able to the same on a straight knife.

I'm not sure if my version of Enroute 6 will allow this at all (it's the basic version), but any advice will be much appreciated!