I'm probably going to purchase a 1998 fadal 2016L that had everything for a 4th axis but the guy took the axis card out and put it in another machine to make a sell. The machine has ac servos but the 4th axis was DC and the machine has a dc amp off to the side, the wiring is in the machine and I'm getting 2 vh5c 4th axis with it. The build sheet for the machine says that it came with the vh5c rotary indexer.
My questions are as follows:

Can I use any axis card and install the A axis eproms or do I have to have a specific 1010-5 card?
Also, what does the letter designate after the -5? do I need to look for a specific lettered card?

Where can I find an A axis card and what is a reasonable price?

How do I know if the vh5c is AC or DC? This shop had numerous machines and no one seems to know which 4th axis went to what machine.

From the posted pictures, can anyone tell if I am missing anything other than the A axis card?
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