I'm still having trouble with the use of GcodeRipper.
The file I'm using is quite simple, a rounded square, dept 0.2 mm, to work with a 1 mm end mill.
The material is PMMA; the probe is a self made touch probe.
These are the steps I follow:
- Z zero the probe (the offset should be now X0 Y0 Z0 - the probe is direct mounted into the chuck)
- Open the file in GcodeRipper, set: all offset 0, Z safe=3.5 mm, Probe depth -0.5 mm (or even -1mm), Probe feed =45 mm/min, Probe points 5x5.
- Recalculate all and safe the probe only file
- Load the probe file in LinuxCNC and run it
- Read the probe data file in GcodeRipper and save the adjusted file.
- Remove the probe, install the end mill bit and Z zero the bit
- Load and run the adjusted file.

Well, there is no way to carve the surface. The bit moves at about +0.5 mm fro the surface. And I don't understand why or how to fix it.

Attached are all the files used.
Any suggestion / help?

