
recently i got Planet CNC controller Mk3/4. Everything is working good for me and i like it. But i need few custom cycles.I contacted Planet CNC support and i got answer that it is easy to do,all i have to do is to write new script using Gcode,create new M code and every time when i use this M code this script will be activated. I checked all scripts and all manuals which are included with Planet CNC software but i cant understand logic and syntax of these scripts. I dont know any programming language (like C, python, ...) and i dont realy understand logic of any of these programing languages. I know gcode good enought. But i still cant figure out how to make these scripts. For example i need that my cnc plasma before every cut make automatic height measure.
I found this script:
(name,Measure Surface Height)

O<PlanetCNC> if[[#<_probe_pin_1> EQ 0] AND [#<_probe_pin_2> EQ 0]]
(msg,Sensor is not configured)
O<PlanetCNC> endif

(dlgname,Measure Surface Height,w=340)
(dlg,data::MeasureSurfaceHeight, typ=image, x=100)

M73 ;store state, auto restore
G17 G90 G91.1 G90.2 G08 G15 G94
M50P0 ;disable speed override
M55P0 ;disable trans
M56P0 ;disable warp
M57P0 ;disable swap
M10P1 ;motor enable
M11P1 ;limits/probe enable

#<axis> = 2
#<dir> = -1
#<pos> = #<_machine_axis|#<axis>>
O<probe> call [#<axis>] [#<dir>]
#<_measure> = #<_return>
G53 G00 H#<axis> E#<pos>

(print,|!Measure Surface Height)
(print,Result: Z=#<_measure>)
#<off> = #<_measure>
o<chk> if[#<_tooloff> NE 0]
#<off> = [#<off> - #<_tooloff_axis|#<axis>>]
o<chk> endif

#<offw> = [#<off> - #<_coordsys_axis|#<axis>>]
#<offc> = [#<off> - #<_workoff_axis|#<axis>>]

(print,|!Set work position
(print,G92.1 Z#<offw>)
(print,|!Set coordinate system #<_coordsys,0>
(print,G10 L2 P#<_coordsys,0> Z#<offc>)


O<probe> sub
#<axis> = #1
#<dir> = #2

M11P0 G38.2 H#<axis> E[#<dir> * 100000] F#<_probe_speed>
G91 G01 H#<axis> E[-#<dir> * #<_probe_swdist>]
o<low> if [#<_probe_speed_low> GT 0]
G90 G38.2 H#<axis> E[#<dir> * 100000] F#<_probe_speed_low>
G91 G01 H#<axis> E[-#<dir> * #<_probe_swdist>] F#<_probe_speed>
o<low> endif
M11P1 G90

#<_measure> = [#<_probe_axis|#<axis>> + #<dir> * #<_probe_size_axis|#<axis>>]
O<probe> endsub [#<_measure>]

maybe there is somebody who have enough experience and time to help me explaining this script. Thank you.