Evening everybody - Today I continued with the wiring. I ran out of real estate on the LHS for the power supply so had to rethink some things. So the RHS is now the power side and the LHS is the control side. So I wired up the power side and got the green lamp & 30V YEH. I'll make a little cover for the PS terminals. I usually have a lead tail as the power in but I have been wanting to use an inlet GPO for some time. Locally they are expensive and they only stock the 15A ones for caravans. On the net I found a cheap one and its 10A but I ordered black and now I think it should have been white. But it works. I think I'll go back to the tail from the GPO... So now to pull down the trial LHS and wire it properly. BST have started to make the ballscrews so Frankie is getting close to sawdust day! Peter