I ended up purchasing an Eastwood QST-80/120 Scroll Compressor, and put it into service a few days ago... but I'm having issues with it, and while I'm waiting for Tech Support to come up with some ideas I'm wondering if anyone else had the same problem?

I'm running it off a Phase Perfect solid state phase converter, and I'm having problems when the fan on the air compressor kicks in I'm getting a motor overload error on the air compressor ( Specific alarm message is: MOTOR: 004 FAN:1 )

The fan motor doesn't turn on till the condenser coil gets up to 88c ( apx 190 degrees )

The fan spins free... so it's not stuck. Also If I manually press in the contactor relay for the condenser fan it starts up fine and runs fine with no errors or alarms.

So the compressor fires up and fills my 60 gal reserve air tank in about 2 min, but then once the condenser coil heats up and it starts calling for the fan it will give me that error.

The problem is that it doesn't always happen, for example I ran 6 tests where I completely emptied the reserve tank, and then ran the compressor. It ran fine with no errors, and then once the compressor evaporator warmed up the errors started up.

When I ran these tests I didn't have any of my other equipment turned on, so it was only the air compressor.

Any thoughts or suggestions on what may be causing the issues?

Thank You
