I'm running cnc mill that is driven by a laptop running mach3 (Nvem 2.1). I used to run vectrix aspire to generate g-code and load them up in mach 3 to run the machine, then zero xyz on the material stock corner bottom left.

After start, its first moves are right. But then it is offsetting on X and Y axis. I just tried it for one drawing and it offseted everytime at same point. Everytime i am runing same g-code. Sometimes it is offsetting just on Y axis, sometimes X and Y. Sometimes running well.

I could not understand where is problem. When i was using ArtCam there was no problem such as this. Because of that I suppose to problem is on Post Processors.

Also I attached screenshot of mach3. You can see clearly start point of wrong direction of mill. I marked with red line start position of offset.

If anyone have experiance about like that issue can help me to find problem?