Hi all,

I just wanted to let you all know about the great support that Art provides for his products. I am in the midst of my first project, CNC'ing a milling machine with plans to go on to a CNC router soon. I was have some difficulty getting the motors running after I had everything wired up so I emailed Art to see if he had some suggestions. Long story short, It took a couple of days of conversing but we figured it out ( a silly wiring mistake on my part, BTW!) and got everything up and running, much to my relief!

I just wanted to commend Art for his help and to say that it is somewhat rare these days to find people like that who are willing to take the time to help people like me who are new at this game. I think that anyone who is considering starting a CNC project should consider using Mach 3 software to run their set-up. The format makes it very easy to learn and understand if one is not familiar with CNC machining. I realize I still have a lot to learn but knowing there are people like Art out there who can help gives me the confidence to continue on! Thanks again, Art!
