Hello everyone,

I am an automation engineer by profession, while my hobby is messing around with vintage machines older than me. Recently, after many weeks of battles, I managed to restore a CMS milling machine based on the controller mentioned in the title.

This control made me so curious that I am currently looking for the following manuals:
OSAI A-B. 8600 MC-TC Application manual.
OSAI A-B. 8600 MC-TC Software characterization and interface.
OSAI A-B. 8600 MC-TC Programming and operator's manual.
OSAI A-B. 8600 MC-TC ASSET programming manual.
OSAI A-B. 8600 MC-TC Siprom programmers manual.
OSAI A-B. 8600 MC-TC CSI programmersmanual.

I am most concerned with item 2 and 5, which are characterization and SIPROM language.
From a colleague in the Italian forum I got manual 1 and 4.

The version from OSAI AB 8601 is also desirable.

If anyone is in possession of a pdf version or also a paper version, or knows perhaps someone aged but still alive.... who might have these papers, please contact me very much.