The irony here is that in this particular case, the machine is less expensive than the Acorn setup, LOL. But that is a bit of an anomaly. Usually it is the other way around....

FWIW, I would actually *prefer* a hardwired pendant over a wireless one. I famously hate AA and AAA batteries because they are always dead when you need them, and when you replace them, they are always leaking crap all over the place! The 1.25V Alkaline battery deserves to die a miserable death. That fate is decades overdue! Now, the 9V, by contrast, actually works well and doesn't generally leak.... In addition, I just feel more confident with a basic hardwired unit. Unfortunately, this doesn't work well in the Acorn paradigm, as I mentioned. There are just too few IO pins on the board and no way to increase the count (another thing that I wish Centroid would adjust, but I suspect it would cannibalize the sales of more expensive units).

Anyhow, I absolutely hear you on the cost amortized over years of ownership. But... there is more at play here than just "me." I would go ahead and say, "yeah, whatever.... I want *some* pendant so just buy it...." But the funds are my brothers and I try to guard those. I'm already funding many parts of the conversion, to be honest. I'm providing the computer, discounting the motor acquisition for him, doing all of the labor/configuration for free, etc. I have my limits to what I am willing to do! Adding another $360 on top of what I'm already giving him on just this machine is more than I really want to do right now. I have my own obligations and needs to consider as well, after all. But, I also know he is spending a decent amount on the whole thing.... It is that type of personal conundrum that is, well, very personal! LOL

Nice pics, by the way.... I always enjoy seeing what people are doing, so thanks for sharing.... I do hope your significant other didn't beat you over the head, however, when she realized what happened to the cutting board!