Hello Guys,

i was searching the others day a way to set a min max setting in the CNC on the 4th axes.
(we got a couples of theeth broken and they absolutly want to run it so we bloc the zone)

find out that the setting 1320 A+ and 1321 A- is the min max but,
If your rotary is the in A mode in the setting 1006 your axes will always overtravel in A+ even if you go in negative.

In the page 33 of fanuc serie 16-18i and 160-180i manual you will find yours answer

1006 axes A (4th) set ROTx and ROSX to 1 it will allow you to have the machine in negative value
after that home the axes and set yours 1320-1321 Values

hope that will help the next to find it