Hey all. I was wondering if I could get some input about something I have been thinking about lately.

I started college with the intent to transfer into a university. Computer science or computer engineering would have been the major. After a semester, I decided to take a semester of all machining classes. This way, I can have a better job while I go to school.

Took a manual machining class, cnc setup class, and a manual cnc programming class. The thing is, I kind of like it. Thinking of doing the whole program.

The one drawback that is constantly in my mind is the future. I am only in my 20's. Aren't these jobs all getting moved to other countries? When I look at the job ads now, there are tons. What about in 20 years?

I have no idea who to ask. Figured this place would be perfect. For all you older guys that have been doing this for many years. Your son just graduated high school. Even though he is a computer whiz, he says forget computers, I want to be a machinist. Would you tell him he is making a good choice? Or would you convince him out of it, reminding him that he will always have a high paying job available with a degree in computers?

Thanks all. Feel free to add any input. And no, I am not going to decide my future based on what a stranger tells me over the internet. Just want to get some input from people that have been in this trade for a while and know what should be expected for the future.

Thanks again.