Just let you all know that there is now a new version available of Delcam’s routing and engraving solution, ArtCAM Insignia. It allows you to:

• Import drawings & pictures in a variety of formats including PDF, DXF, BMP & JPEG and convert them directly into 2D or full 3D toolpaths for machining.

• Accurately simulate machining to fully test all toolpaths, check the surface finish or to gain customer approval by e-mailing or printing high resolution images of the simulation.

• Tightly pack multiple copies or selected complicated shapes into the minimum necessary material & reduce cutting time by using fully-automatic true-shape nesting.

• Automatically merge data from external applications into a common design and toolpath template, to make a batch of similar products, EG, hundreds of personalised name badges.

• Work with more than 250 different routers and machine tools as well as a fully customizable Post Processor for bespoke machine support and future-proofing.

• Create automatic inlays

• Create a recessed or raised “hand carved look”

On Thursday 3rd & Tuesday 8th of April we will be giving free online tutorials on how you can work with 3D models, work with imported PDFs, Feature Machining & toolpath editing. If you are interested please contact us at [email protected] and we will give you all the meeting details required to attend.