hello i am building a cnc machine i have built the mechanical parts now i need the electronic parts i clicked one of the advertisement on this site and saw that there are lots of electronics and i am confused i want to ask if i need these parts all to use my machine

* Qty 3- Geckodrive 201 - 10 uStep/Step 7A Drivers
* Qty 2 - Stepper Motors - NEMA 34 - 450 oz-in Motors (S34HT450-S)
* Qty 1 - Stepper Motor - NEMA 23 - 260 oz-in Motor (S23HT260)
* Qty 1 - Power Supply - P500-3020 - 30 Volt 20 Ampere Power Supply
* Qty 1 - Breakout Board - S3BRK2 - High I/O Count Breakout Board

and if i need these all can u give me some alternative shops that i can buy thank you