Hi all,
I'm finally getting my machine (2006 vintage Bridgemill) all set up and have the X & Y backlash down to about .006 which I think I can live with for now. My Z is about .060 with the spring masking it. Soooo I want to add a ballscrew to the Z. I really don't want to spend $750 +- from JT for the full set at this point, so can anyone supply some detailed pictures of how the ball nut and drive pulley get mounted to the bracket with a bearing. It just doesn't look like there is enough clearance in the existing hole to have a hollow shaftgo from the pulley thru a bearing in the bracket and then connect to the ball nut. Also, is it a 5/8 screw, or did they drop down to a 1/2" screw for the Z.

Please post pics here, or email to [email protected]
