Hi guys,
I have a Mazak SQT 15MS (new to me). Just started using it. The problem is when I programme Eg.

N1 T0101 M03 G96 S100
N2 G50 S2000

The Controller is T32-3 and the spindle speed slows down as the diameter gets smaller and gets faster as the diameter gets bigger. The exact opposite of what it should do. I expect it's a parameter issue. But can't find it yet. On my other Mazak T32-2 it works fine. Any ideas ?

Another thing is using the driven tooling. Any feed rate I programme it ignores and uses a feed rate from a parameter I think. How can I change this to programme a feed rate and get it to use it ? I know I have to use G97 for the driven tooling but that's ok I just want to be able to select a feed rate.

Thanks in advance,