I have a Old Makino Mill That I have retrofit using Rutex drives
Makinoi Model fnc100 A20.

My problems:
1 retention knob mechanism
2 Better spindle motor control

1 There are two lines going to the draw bar mechanism(it was hydraulic). I am using air. One line does nothing, the second line draws the mechanism tight. Does anyone have a schematic of this? How does it come apart? could a small hydraulic motor fix this for me?

2 I want to use a KB electronics spindle control. The problem is there are two fields, and both have alot of resistance. 20 ohms and 5 ohms. The 20 ohm winding is the main winding, and the one I am using. I have the motor controled using a large potentiomenter hooked parallel with the field winding. I have also connected the feild in series with the arnature. This keeps the arnature from being over amped. and controls the motor pretty good. Can someone think of a controller I could use? I would rather not have the motor rewound. ty

I have mill pics on myspace look up [email protected]
ty jeff