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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    920 Watch Dog Timer Alarm

    Good Morning!

    Okuma & Howa Act2SP-2 with a Fanuc OT Control. We are getting a 920 Watch Dog Timer alarm. However, the alarm is very intermittent. Once the alarm occurs, we can power the machine down and bring it back up and the alarm goes away. The machine may run a few minutes or a few hours.

    Has anyone encountered such a problem and if so, what would you suggest? The manual suggests that the problem is a servo system problem but it doesn't really help in pinpointing if the problem is in the drive or in the main control.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Usually, a Watchdog timer is used to make sure that a CPU is still active. The CPU needs to go and reset the timer every few milliseconds, or it times out, and shuts down the process.....or restarts its program or something similar.

    The reason being is that if the CPU stops working, it can be quite dangerous to certain hardware and the people around....

    There is a reasonable explanation on Wikipedia here:-


    that might help you further....

    Bad programming is usually the problem, a function simply takes too long to happen, or interrupts are badly set up.....

    You may find that doing a particular job causes the problem.....

    Best wishes.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Here i do maintenance in Yang machines ans we have a lot off problem´s like that here. 3 machines, 1 machine only solve the problem when FANUC change the motherboard the other 2, the eletric gabinet is very hot, one we open the door of eletric gabinet and never more stops (4 years) and the other machine we put an fa with door open and never stops more (3,5 years).

    Best Regards,


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    920 alarm

    My god!, i just had this alarm and almost died when i saw that i had to change master pcb! i just have replaced two demagnetized servos.

    it happened while making a hole and there was a lot of vibration. then this alarm triggered.

    rebooting didn't help.

    i oppened the master pcb door and pushed all the microcontrollers to their holder:idea:. some of them clicked. then i turned on the system and it is running now.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    This it's the 2nd time I have the 920 watch dog alarm. I thoughts it was the Power Unit box, purchase a new one. Installed tool ran for 1 day and the 920 alarm came back again this morning.

    Can anyone help me!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    What is the motherboard part#?
    Check the +5V level on the motherboard; it should be very close to 5V.
    If the problem is heat related, you can try selectively cooling and heating a small area of the motherboard; be cautious.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    after I took out the power unit to check and re-install, it running now. It's that mean the problem fix or do I still check the motherboard?

    Once again, THank you so much for helping

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by memoryman View Post
    What is the motherboard part#?
    Check the +5V level on the motherboard; it should be very close to 5V.
    If the problem is heat related, you can try selectively cooling and heating a small area of the motherboard; be cautious.

    GOT the same issue again this moring, for this mother it is the back board where the power unit plug in?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The motherboard is the one that the black power supply is plugged into.
    This problem may be difficult to solve due to its intermittent nature.
    Call me at 289 389 6117

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