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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    A greeting & explaination

    Greetings to the group. I have returned from an unexpected hiatus. My apologies to members of this group that I'd offered to help with copies of my V2XT disc. My life took a sudden turn and left me with every thing on hold. My mill arrived way back in March and it has been sitting since awaiting my return.
    I feel bad that members were offering help and advice and I was not able to offer anything in return but some times life throws you a curve ball. I'm quite confident that I'm not alone in having gone through this sort of thing.
    But on to the future. I'm currently enrolled in a four year program learning the trade of CNC Machinist, I am a journeyman Automotive machinist but enjoy general machining far far more hence my change of career (curve balls can be a good thing in the end eh)
    I've been reading all the discussions on the V2XT and specifically the VFD conversions done by members of this group. I'll be ordering my VFD ASAP so I can begin bringing my baby to life over my Christmas break (when I return home for 2 weeks.)
    Peace and all the best to every one.
    9 1/2
    9 1/2
    B.C.I.T. Machinist CNC

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Well ordered a Hitachi LS200 VFD from Drives Wharehouse.com today. I'm eager to get home and start the long over due resurection of my V2XT. Was told my garage flooded in September and that the rotary was on the shop floor ......... I hope like hell it was higher than the water line.
    9 1/2
    B.C.I.T. Machinist CNC

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