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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    ATC for my NM200

    I thought I would post a video of the partially completed ATC I've been working on when time allows. The power drawbar isn't done yet because I'm waiting on the cylinder for it, so the ATC isn't actually changing any tools yet but is going through all the right movements.


    The biggest problem I've run into is I have figured out how to get the carousel to spin to the right slot using T1 to T10 in the tool change macro but can't figure out how to get it to use the full tool table in Mach3. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

    I forgot to give credit to rwskinner for the original idea which can be looked at here:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by rayoung View Post
    The biggest problem I've run into is I have figured out how to get the carousel to spin to the right slot using T1 to T10 in the tool change macro but can't figure out how to get it to use the full tool table in Mach3. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
    Nice job on the ATC.

    Your G code has to include G43 H{tool number} along with your T{tool number} command in order to use Mach3's tool table. I set tool 1 to be my touch indicator. Tough off and zero the Z axis. Now put in each tool and touch off. Enter into the tool table the Z axis reading when the tool touches the work.
    In use, simply touch off with your touch indicator, zero the Z and you are all set.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Also if using G43 leave the Z offset ignored or 0, if not, it will conflict with the offsets defined in your tool table!

    Anyway, nice job on that mechanism, have you considered speeding up the retract and engage movements ? It would be awesome, because the carrousel spins nicely fast (i guess it will go slower when loaded) and it will give you a nice and fast toolchanges!

    Great job, keep it up.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Thanks for checking it out and for the replies. I guess I should have been a bit more specific with my question.
    I do use the tool table to pick up the height offsets but I'm looking fora way to use tool numbers above 10 because I have the tool table filled with offsets for quite a few collet holders and chucks that I use on both mills. From what I've been able to read on here and the machsupport forum there is a way to do it using variables entered to DRO's on a seperate page that you create in Mach. I have started on the page but am unsure of the right way to set it up.

    Thanks again for the help so far.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    that is awesome. i want one!

    im actually working on an atc spindle right now (tiny one, not for a mill like the nm200) and that carousel design would kick ass as a mate.

    how are you spinning the carousel? is it an axis, or done some other way?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    The carousel is done as the C axis with a stepper on a 4 to 1 ratio belt drive.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    ahh, cool.

    i dont think i can do that, cause i need all the axis, but im sure i can find a way to bridge the gap. maybe an arduino.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    That's one of many things I hve no idea about. How Many axis are you using? I installed a second parallel port and a second breakout board.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by rayoung View Post
    That's one of many things I hve no idea about. How Many axis are you using? I installed a second parallel port and a second breakout board.

    this isnt for use on mach3.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by rayoung View Post
    Thanks for checking it out and for the replies. I guess I should have been a bit more specific with my question.
    I do use the tool table to pick up the height offsets but I'm looking fora way to use tool numbers above 10 because I have the tool table filled with offsets for quite a few collet holders and chucks that I use on both mills. From what I've been able to read on here and the machsupport forum there is a way to do it using variables entered to DRO's on a seperate page that you create in Mach. I have started on the page but am unsure of the right way to set it up.

    Thanks again for the help so far.
    I guess I'm still a bit confused. Where are you limited to 10 offsets? The tool table goes to 253.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    I think he is refering to the mapping required to convert tool position to tool number.

    Your program may call for tool #125 but there are only 10 tool positions. It would be unreasonable to have to change your program to reference a tool position each time you run it. Depending on the prior job run, the tool position could vary each time. This has to be mapped to convert to a tool position e.g. 9.

    A map would have to be created (and changed) as required e.g.

    Tool Pos......Tool #


    This map would then have to tell Mach that if you require tool 125, it is located in position 9 in the tool changer.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by UniqueMachining View Post

    I think he is refering to the mapping required to convert tool position to tool number.

    Your program may call for tool #125 but there are only 10 tool positions. It would be unreasonable to have to change your program to reference a tool position each time you run it. Depending on the prior job run, the tool position could vary each time. This has to be mapped to convert to a tool position e.g. 9.

    A map would have to be created (and changed) as required e.g.

    Tool Pos......Tool #


    This map would then have to tell Mach that if you require tool 125, it is located in position 9 in the tool changer.

    That is exactly the thing I'm trying to puzzle out. I have a couple of thoughts on how to do it but haven't tried them yet. Any clues to the easiest way would be appreciated.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    I thought perhaps a plugin could do what you need, but it doesn't look like Mach calls into the plugins when a tool change occurs.
    Now if your macro code can call into a .dll, function, I can write you something of a tool library that could translate tool number to tool position.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by AiR_GuNNeR View Post
    I thought perhaps a plugin could do what you need, but it doesn't look like Mach calls into the plugins when a tool change occurs.
    Now if your macro code can call into a .dll, function, I can write you something of a tool library that could translate tool number to tool position.
    i read up on this in the past relating to rigid tapping, but all the knowledge has leaked from my brain right now. ill have to look it up agian.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Thank you for the offer Eric but I may have figured it out late last night. I was finally able to get the DRO idea working in Mach3. It's been a lot of years since I did any kind of programming and it's funny how that stuff fades if not used regularly. So far the logic in the macro works but later today I'll test it on the machine. We'll see how that goes...fingers crossed. I may still have to take you up on your offer of help.:stickpoke


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