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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Benchtop Machines > Bench top/Mini Lathe & Mill advice
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Bench top/Mini Lathe & Mill advice

    I'm interested in buying a Bench top/Mini Mill & lathe to be used for home shop work & hobbies. Don't know alot about the different brands out there. I have done some research on a couple of brands but not alot of research at this point. I'm just looking for some opinions on what the best machines are out there as far as quality and features vs. price. I'm interested in a 7"x10" to 16" lathe and as far as a mill, I have no certain specs that are needed. I just want something pretty heavy duty. Also I do want to consider CNC as well but will probably go with manual for now. I would like to have DRO capability as well on both Mill & Lathe.
    Thanks ahead for any input.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    What do you plan to make? How big? What materials? What hobby? A lot of hobbyists here, if you expound, they may be able to tell what works for them. Otherwise, look through the build threads and see what others have done. Check the mini-lathe sub forum too.
    Wen I was young, I spent most of my money on fast women, slow horses, and cheap booze. The rest of it I just wasted.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Hi Mark. Welcome to the Zone!

    You should buy the largest mill and lathe that you can afford and that will fit into your shop. Money spent on machines that are too small to do much work is wasted.

    I recommend the Grizzly G0602 lathe. It doesn't cost a lot more than some of the fancier 7xs and is very capable:

    If you MUST have a mini lathe, then the 8x14 is the best way to go:

    For a decent sized mill, I recommend the SX3:

    The Grizzly G0704 is also a good mill, but it is the latest rage and may involve a long wait:

    If you must go smaller, then the LMS SX2 is a good buy:

    Too many PMs. Email me to my name plus At A O L dot com.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Thanks for the input, I really appreciate it.
    I do not have any specific hobbies that i'm going to be working on at this time. i tinker with several different things, nothing specific. I've been a machinist for around 15 years, the last 10 been doing design and CNC programming. I've recently made a career move and I'm starting a different trade after all this time. Hard decision to leave machining, I really enjoy it, but I think I'll be more prosporous in the future. I would like to find some larger equipment in the future but for now I would like to have some smaller equipment just to keep my machining skills honed. Basically going with the smaller equipment because of the lower cost & the room that I have in my garage/shop along with the equipment being able to be run on 120V electricity.
    Been looking at the Lathemaster machine Mill & Lathe. Any input on thease machines or any other will be greatly appreciated.

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