Hello i have been in the cnc world for about a year and a half. I recently upgraded from using a hobby grade cnc machine and acad for cad with deskcnc for cam software to a Multicam 3-103 with ATC and 20hp vac pump( sweet machine and setup). Instead of buying Enroute like the Multicam salesman recommended I got suckered into the Bobcad v22. The only good thing i have to say about Bobcad is that i got a full version with 3d cababilities for only 300 bucks. I also bougt the training dvds for 150. I feel like i had to jump through hoops to get the post i needed from them and then after i installed it every post needs to be edited to change z to z-. Multicam uses z+ for plunge into material and [B][i would like to know if anyone knows how i can fix this without having to edit every post?/B] I asked tech support if the post processor could be changed to fix this and they said no. I would not recommend this progam to anyone because it: is not user friendly, operates slow, having a tough time figuring out the tool assignment, seems to be setup for metal working not wood, and the customer service sucks.

Thanks for reading


Sebastian Woodworks