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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    CNC controller on e-bay?

    How can you tell if the controllers people sell on e-bay are any good? For instance this one:


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    oops the link didn't go through

    Here is the link:


    try again!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    These are 90 watt drives. Not much capacity for anything bigger than a dremel tool spindle and that may be pushing it if the axis slides have much weight and friction.

    Then just for the consideration of a book by the name of Spychips, I am not so sure I'd want to support a company that produces the existance of RFID in any way, shape or form! That is getting harder to avoid.....



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Thanks for the reply...I'm learning what to look for I guess...Yes, if we have another 9 11 event I am sure they will give us all chips for our "safety"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    What you need to look for will be in relation to what materials you expect to cut. The rest would be how efficient that power is used to move the axis themselves along with the cutter size being pushed with those motors.

    You might do some web research on what has already been done in terms of what would fit your application and budget. Most of the builders on the zone do share the component specs they have used.

    From what I have read, 150-200 watts per axis is about average with 300-400oz inch motors. You can run a Taig mill on a stepper motor below 100oz inch, but the performance will be very limited. In many of the motor series that I did some looking in to, the power to torque ratio varied widely, but on average the power value in watts was about 50% of the torque value in oz inches.

    As an aside;

    IMHO, if you carry a cell phone you are already "CHIPPED" and completely traceable. That was in process way before 9\11. The purported "illegal wire tapping" of targeted individuals at least has a defined purpose. But nary a scream from those complaining of the potential for privacy rights abuses, when all cell services collect huge data bases on all users "locations".

    Recently, I heard this system used for a good cause... almost too late. We had a local Woman missing for nearly a week. Her Husband was pleading with the local officials to search her cell phone signals, credit cards etc. but they refused unless he let them open an investigation on him as the prime suspect. Nearly one week later after the husband was cleared, they found this woman off the road over an embankment 15 minutes from home, in her car close to death.....less than one hour after they pinged her cell phone to get a GPS location!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Well I have to agree with ONE OF MANY about the ebay driver. I currently own one that I can't seem to get to do anything! I've emailed the customer support and the ebay seller and have not recieved any response. Their customer support phone number from paypal is disconnected.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Part of George Carlin's "7 words you can't say on TV" rant/comedy sketch, which did get a hearing in front ot the US Supreme Court was partially based on a domestic spying case.

    This guy who felt he was and was being illegally wire tapped by FBI, used to answer all his phone calls with "F--k J. Edgar Hoover". Why? because he knew/felt he was being spied upon and wanted J. Edgar to know how he felt.

    One of the first public tracings of cell phone calls to find location of the purp was the infamous OJ chase down the LA freeways. Simple triangulation found him like NOW.

    Heck, the typing that I'm doing now is probably being watched by some internet super computer. WE're not "free" anymore. We're NOT able to be anonymous anymore. If you're worried about being spied upon, don't use the phone, take the battery out of your cell phone when not in use and, definitely, don't use the internet.

    As soon as you use any of the above tools, your actions are traceable.

    The black helicopters are starting to encircle circle the house, the ropes are dropping onto the roof - all is doomed, run and save YOURSELF before it is too late!!!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    And as well you should be worried!

    Someone that mentions Carlin, Hoover, OJ and Black helicopters in the same post, must be a little suspicious? They don't even bother with the men in white coats these days?

    Just think, the winner of this next election could reintroduce us to another Janet Reno style of enforcement policy. Pretty much proving the right to bare arms against an over zealous government no longer works as the framers intended. They never promised you would win, they just gave you your last right to try.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    We the people have been treated to a number of "well intended" phonies working in the just-us department.

    Reno was a klutz. Gonzales was a criminal supporting other criminals' intents. Congress had NOT live up to their oversight responsibilities an the executive dept has run roughshod over our constitutional rights including habeas corpus, rights of privacy and God knows what else that hasn't surfaced yet. The fourth branch of govt, the press, has been woefully slack/lame in offering their due dilligence.

    I'm not advocating the "Lee Harvey Oswald, where are yo now that we need you?" but really, is there ANYBODY in the executive dept who is looking out for "we the people", the Constitution and the fact that we're literally burning money so fast in a part of the world we DON"T understand nor will anytime soon??? Someday, we'll wake up to a "What the hell happened???".

    Simple. Misguided people with poor judgement getting involved in/with trying to manipulate illogical people who are beholding to a higher power that their leaders "lord" over them more effectively than we'll ever imagine.

    The "black helicopter" comment was pure TIC - but the stuff that's going on in the name of "terrorism", eradication of radicalism and "my government's efforts to protect me" have me fearful of my rights - rights that too many have fought and died for to protect. Rights that the war wimps who are running the show now are trampling on willy nilly.

    I love my country - I'm really starting to fear my government.... more appropriately, the guys who RUN the government as the government itself isn't that creative or responsive - only the idiots who learn how to manipulate and abuse the power that the government avails them of/with....

    Here come more helicopters....

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