Sooo I have a question in regards to grbl and ugs... Firstly sorry if I'm in the wrong place I'm sure this same if not similar issue has been answered till the cows come home... But I'll try to make this easy... Basically I've converted my old i3 printer to run my Dremel.. seemed to do what I need for the moment until I can get a grasp of what I'm doing.. it's running nema 17 steppers x gantry is just belt and rollers with the Dremel adapter, y axis is belt on linear bearings and z axis is dual motor threaded rod, I have - x,y,z limit switches with + x,y,z on the same switch in parallel on nc. That's basically the gist of the physical build.... I found the Dremel adapter on thingiverse " i shall quote them when i find the listing for anyone wondering and credits to them..
So I'm able to home it I'm able to zero it if I run a Lazer cut through ugs without a laser I'm able to run the nc open the g code export outline and run a job . However dependant on my hard limit soft limit settings it will either ignore the hard limits or go past my soft limits...I even dropped the max from zero 0,0 and max 50.00mm on $130,$131,$132 if I disable the limit switches I can get it to run uninterrupted.. however it will ram the + end of the axis on all axis except z.. which is good i guess damage things are kinda doing what they should from what i can tell... My issue besides the limit switches being confusing to setup.. is why is it ignoring my maximum limits? I have since starting to type this found that my ugs logo I put in design is 25mm x 25mm.. but when outlined and run on the visualiser it is showing 400mm x 400mm x 5mm.. I tried external pocket mill aswell from camplete tool path in fusion.. same issue they're both set to metric but no matter whether its drawn in ugs or externally.. for whatever reason my drawings are blown way out of scale and i think that might be alot of my issue..Any help would be super appreciated.. get it going I'll even plate you a thankyou placard ???????? thanks everyone regardless just happy to be able to reach out !!