Hey all,

I am the admin at cncmentor.com. The website is intended to be an open source repository of CNC related designs, a place to document CNC builds and a CNC CAD library.

Most recently I have invested some effort in creating an organized collection of information about CNC that would serve as a basic primer for the beginning/intermediate CNC enthusiast. I would like it to cover all the FAQ's in the major areas of CNC (i.e. Software, Hardware, Electronics, etc...)

I have put together a page that will serve as the landing page for this section of the site and hopefully it will give you an idea of what I have in mind. I have created some basic menus that break the subject of CNC into its various categories (although I am sure there are many more that could be included).

You can check out the page here: CNC Mentor.com: | Intro

What I am looking for from you guys is "donating" content that you have perhaps already shared in other ways that could help fill out this section of the site. Have any of you written articles, blog posts, forum posts or have personal websites with information you would be willing to contribute as the base content for the various articles listed here? Of course full credit would be given to any content provided.

Once permission is granted to use your content, my job would be to edit the content and fill out the information you all provide (ie. perhaps adding photos or correcting basic spelling/grammar mistakes), provide a consistent look and feel and organize it so that it is easy to find. I don't have time or expertise to do it all myself but if I could leverage the knowledge of the CNC community, we might be able to create a resource that is very helpful.

Is there any interest here for something like this?