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IndustryArena Forum > Machine Controllers Software and Solutions > LinuxCNC (formerly EMC2) > Converting 5axismaker Pokeys57U to run LinuxCNC
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2024

    Converting 5axismaker Pokeys57U to run LinuxCNC


    I currently use a 5axismaker CNC machine (https://5axismaker.co.uk/5xm-overview) and I need to convert it to run LinuxCNC by enabling Pokeys57U to run LinuxCNC. I am not entirely sure whether this is possible but I was hoping someone can indicate to me if following this guide is the correct procedure or if this applies to something else? - https://forum.linuxcnc.org/24-hal-co...tart=90#162953 Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: Converting 5axismaker Pokeys57U to run LinuxCNC

    the PoKeys57CNC has a Mach3 and a Mach4 plugin, the software that adapts the 57CNC to the CNC software, but does not have a LinuxCNC plugin.

    Why don't you get one of the many Mesa boards....they are just about ubiquitous amongst LinuxCNC users?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2024

    Re: Converting 5axismaker Pokeys57U to run LinuxCNC

    The electronics box is from the vendor and I didn't want to open it up and risk messing with the machine since I don't really know how it works. So I was hoping to adapt Pokeys to LinuxCNC from the software side. I wouldn't know how to adapt the Mesa board to an existing electronics box, would it be possible to add a Mesa board to an existing cnc setup that already has a Pokeys board?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: Converting 5axismaker Pokeys57U to run LinuxCNC

    a Mesa board is a motion control board, as is the PoKeys 57CNC. You would remove the PoKeys and fit the Mesa.

    If you don't know how then that might be an indication not to do so.

    If PoKeys were to give you the source code for their board (most unlikely) then maybe you could adapt the Pokeys to run with LinuxCNC, LinuxCNC is after all
    open source. My guess is that the PoKeys has an FPGA on board. How is your Verilog programming skills? You'll need both good C and Verilog skills to have a hope.


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