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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking > MetalWork Discussion > Coolant...Which and why?
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Arrow Coolant...Which and why?

    What coolant/cutting fluids do you use in your cnc machines. How long between change outs etc.?, what about bactiria and skin rashes etc.?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I work in medical manufaction you know with a clean room and a shop floor that get washed every night we us Blaser SwissLube it"s not oil based here a link http://www.manufacturingcenter.com/t...02/1202oil.asp

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    our new sawblade sharpening NC machine uses some oil for the coolant, apparently (which makes sense) provides superior finishes on the tungsten, have heard from supplier that one of his customers says that the finish is too good, inherintly not bluntening fast enough for him to make money sharpening! (lousy excuse), If this is the case is there any reason besides not keeping temp. stable, that this oil coolant can be used on our CNC lathes and M/Centres.
    seems a valid question to me, I can't imigine it keeping jobs cool, specially on thin wall stuff. Does anyone use this type of coolant on their non-grinding machines?
    we always looking for providing quality to our customers but is this an answer??

    Cheers all!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    We also use Blaser SwissLube, but it is the oil based. I am very pleased with it, although the vegetable oil mix looks interesting. I will have to call them and check some prices.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    I use Blaser 4000 series, soluable oil, couldn't be happier. Why? it does its job very well, is easy to maintain, over two years now, and haven't had to empty a sump yet. I also know that if I do have a problem, Blaser will be right there to help me out, not like the crap that you get from a janitorial supply house.

    Bacteria and whatnot, shouldn't be an issue, if you're not playing amateur chemist and maintaining your coolant, your sump should be no more harmful than water in a fishtank.

    Msomerville, if I remember right the veggie oil based stuff, is used straight, screw machines and what not, and it is EXPENSIVE.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    msomerville: is the blaser swisslube non-soluable and if so it is used on your lathes and others.
    is so does the temp stay cool whilst machining?

    little bubba: we use castrol ep 690, is rather expensive but by god it's good.
    the blaser coolants I've never heard of, probably as I'm in AU. but as far as soluable I believe we have it sussed,
    this vege oil stuff's got me baffled (sp*)

    cheers all, think we'll stick with the soluable!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    We use this stuff, Trim E190 for all the mills. It works well, but the rust inhibitor works sub-par. Its not awful, there are no giant patches of rust everywhere in our machines. But, it does allow surface rust on indexing heads, way covers, etc. Also, one of the machines smell like B.O. because of it. I think we are switching to CimCool

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Sorry guys been out of touch for a little bit. I use the Blaser 4000 strong also, it is a soluable oil. I have been slacking haven't checked out the prices for the vegitable oil stuff yet, but expensive isn't what I wanted to hear.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    The stuff we use come from a company called SC Chemical Co. from the Milwaukee Wi. area. It has great rust inhibitors (we cut alot of cast iron), good bactiria control, but it seems to foam alot.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by little bubba
    I use Blaser 4000 series, soluable oil, couldn't be happier.
    Where do you get it from?



  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    You need to find your local dealer. Just go to their website and give a call.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by little bubba
    You need to find your local dealer. Just go to their website and give a call.

    All I can find is by the 5gal. Pretty pricey to try, anyone know where I can get a gallon to try?


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Castrol MB-20 is being used in several machines in our shop. I bought a 320 gallon tote for about $4500. Once the machines are stabilizes at 4 to 6 on the refractometer, the coolant resists attaching itself to chips. I have added 350 gallons of water regularly between coolant refueling levels. Sump life has been great. Odor and bacteria are not a problem. Lubricity is excellent. Resistance to foaming is very good. Rust inhibitor works quite well. There is slight residual build-up and oxidation of aluminum at high concentricity levels. We are very please with the product.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    We use SPINDKOOL for our saw coolant, SPINDKOOL MIST for our mist units it cost $5 less than KOOLMIST, and finally we use SPINDKOOL CNC for cnc flood units less for under 50 psi.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Coolants and Cleaners

    If Green Procurement is your goal we market SoyClean, Oil Gator and Micro-Nice, biobased solutions, Coolants, machining or grinding synthetic, semi-synthetic and soluble oil coolants. We also supply a range of complimentary products such as maintenance cleaners, absorbents and wiping cloths. If anything is an issue or not clear please send an email to [email protected] or visit our website http://www.coolantsandcleaners.com

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    We use Hocut-795 MD. We haven't had any problems with it cooling or anything like that but we have hard water here and as a result the emulsion doens't seem to hold. After a day there's white "curds" on the walls of the sump and floating in it, not mold because it forms too fast and doesn't smell but probably have to get around to trying better quality water because the coolant just looks disgusting.

    I don't know if they give a free sample out but I know Liquid Ice Coolant does. I called them after being annoyed with the Hocut and they sent me out a small sample. I mixed that up and it held with our water. It's odd looking because it mixes clear. The company is really nice, when I called them about the sample the guy on the phone even tried to help me trouble shoot my Hocut. Once I run out of the 5 gallons of Hocut I have I'm going to switch over to that, it's supposed to hold for a minimum of 6 months. I'd definitely shoot them a call if you or anyone on here is shopping around.
    --We Ain't Building Pianos (TCNJ Baja 2008)

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