With parts trickling in from UPS and FedEx, I should probably consider creating my buildlog for my CPR4848. So here it is.

The configuration I expect to put together is:

  • CNC Router Part's CRP4848
  • CNC Router Part's NEMA 34 Electronics/Motor Package
  • 3HP Water Cooled Spindle
  • Hitachi X200 2.2KW VDF
  • Mach3 and/or LinuxCNC

The CRP4848 parts have been arriving over the last week, with the last box coming in today. The packing was superb on all the boxes and everything arrived safe and sound. Thanks Arhen.

I ordered my spindle from Automation Technologies, and my VFD from Wolf Automation. On a whim, I purchased the wireless MPG from Automated Technologies - I'm a sucker for gadgets and this one hits all my weak points.

I bought BobCAD-CAM (Pro with Predator and BobART thrown in) for design and tool path generation, Alibre Design Personal for design (with a few enhancements), Google Sketch-up Pro just because I always wanted a copy and I'll use it for STL generation and 3D printing.

I will keep a running album of pictures on Google+ at http://goo.gl/5VV4G. You can also see my Google+ posts on my build by following me at http://goo.gl/yrsOO. I'm not sure what the rules are on posting pictures, but I'm sure they don't want me to post 24 images all at once.