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IndustryArena Forum > Other Machines > CNC Wire Foam Cutter Machines > Difference between 4AUPC Chopper and HobbyCNC PRO chopper driver board
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Difference between 4AUPC Chopper and HobbyCNC PRO chopper driver board

    Hi All
    Hobbycnc.com website has two kinds of driver boards :
    1- HobbyCNC PRO chopper driver board (4 axis) (99$)
    2- 4AUPC Chopper driver board (59$) (4 axis)

    I want to purchase one but I don't know which one I need for a foam cnc cutting machine (4 axis) , I don't know why is this difference in price though both of them are 4 axis driver .

    please , if anyone has an idea , tell me
    thx a lot

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    The PRO board appears to have a more recent driver chip. I believe it has better protection circuitry. The 4AUPC looks like it is being discontinued. You could ask on the Yahoo group.

    I have the PRO board and am quite happy with it. I would spring the extra $40 for the PRO board just because it is more likely to have replacement drivers in the future.

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