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IndustryArena Forum > Events, Product Announcements Etc > News Announcements > difficulty grasping certain things...well..most things..
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    difficulty grasping certain things...well..most things..

    After playing on a friend's machine and reading lots of articles and practising on trial editions of lots of programmes I suppose I'm learning stuff, but in general terms.

    The specific problem that bamboozling me at the moment is postprocessing and using DSP.

    So I do the machine path by picking the post processor from a list, calculate preview and save the toolpath on a usb and run it using the Rich Auto AR51.

    How do the specific postprocessor the DSP, and the machine model 'fit' together?

    Is the DSP strictly neutral? I mean will it run any gcode on any machine or does it have formatting and other factors of it's own that need attending to?

    What are some of the factors machine specific factors that affect postprocessing? I know there is a variety of file extensions but I have no idea why.

    I'm worried that all my time & effort learning stuff on my friend's machine is going to be useless if I eventually buy something else.

    Is that a reasonable concern or is it a setup issue that is not too onerous?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: difficulty grasping certain things...well..most things..

    Hi....all CNC mills, ,lathes and routers run with XYZ as the direction the spindle or table moves in,

    the table in a column mill moves left to right and is called the X axis.......towards and away from ther column is called the Y axis.....up snd down is called the Z axis.

    A CNC router mas the table as the Y axis moving away and towards you as you are standint at the end..........the spindle is attached to a saddle that moves on the crossbeam and this is the X axis........the spindle also moves up ans down on the Y axis and this is called the Z axis.

    I can't say for a CNC lathe as I'm not into CNC turning.

    If you learn how a mill or router works with hands on experience, then the rest will come naturally......google Utube and see machines in action.....they're all the same in the end.

    Any CNC knowledge is good knowledge, but you need to do some in depth learning to get the full spectrum......a little learning is a dangerous thing.......believe me.

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