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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Disable with Mach


    I am looking at the Plasma THC in the Mach manual, am I required to connect the disable to Mach or is this a function that is controlled by the user? I have managed to figure out most of the other stuff except this as there does not seem to be a 'disable' pin in the outputs setup menu.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I sorry, but not speak englis, but i writer in spanish.

    yo tambien necesito apagar el thc , sobre todo cuando corto cículos pequéños, de reducido diametro, para cortarlos perfectos hay que reducir
    demasiado la velocidad de corte y el thc entra en acción estropeando el corte, hablé con los creadores de sheetcam y me dijeron que el mach no tiene ninguna instrucción en gcode para apagar el thc, una pena, si sabes alguna solución y quieres ponerte en contacto con ellos sería un punto de apollo,
    un saludo.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by belli View Post

    I am looking at the Plasma THC in the Mach manual, am I required to connect the disable to Mach or is this a function that is controlled by the user? I have managed to figure out most of the other stuff except this as there does not seem to be a 'disable' pin in the outputs setup menu.


    There is a "hold" function in MACH that will allow you to pause G-code execution from a pin. It is the "Torch ON" Input pin (go figure) and you can set it so the machine only moves (runs code) if this pin is valid. We use it to sense for Arc Good (that the arc has been established at the metal) so the machine won't start cutting if it does not have a valid arc.

    If you use the THC logic in MACH then you will need to provide the signal to the pin or at least set the polarity so it thinks the pin is valid.

    If you don't use the other THC functions and do things manually you don't need to supply any signals to any of the THC inputs including Torch ON (pause)

    Digital THCs
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Buenos días , este es correo de artsoft mach3 plasma para apagar el thc con gcode

    You have to write a macro, such as M666 that has
    EndTHC() or StartTHC() in the macro. Then you can command a start or end with M666, or M777 , or whatever you use for macro numbers.



    In Gcode you can then use M666 , and M667 to turn on and off THC..
    Sigo hacienda pruebas y sin desconectar el thc la boquilla se entierra en el material, agradecería que en cuanto modifique el postprocesador me envíe una copia
    Postprocesador Plasma THC300 - G31.post
    Cnc mach3 plasma vession 2.0.076
    Gcode generador sheetcam
    Diseño cad rhinoceros
    Plasma cnc

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