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  1. #721
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: DIY- CNC Embroidery Machine

    I just purchase an embroidery machine with 10 needles. The price was unbelievable low, so I did it. The idea was to try your software and to learn a little bit. It came out - machine had very small defect, and I fixed that. So, I can't try the software with this, because I'll sell machine.However, when I purchased the machine, people told me - they missing a screen where they can see what is going on. I told them about your G-code generator, and how it is really good software.

  2. #722
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    Apr 2006

    Re: DIY- CNC Embroidery Machine

    Any progress updates Tivoi and Kiefer?
    http://free3dscans.blogspot.com/ http://my-woodcarving.blogspot.com/

  3. #723
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    May 2012

    Re: DIY- CNC Embroidery Machine

    Quote Originally Posted by Khalid View Post
    Any progress updates Tivoi and Kiefer?
    Hi Khalid,
    I'm very busy, so I didn't have time to try out my theory, but you can try it.
    The way how generator works right now is fine, but this is not the best. Z axis counts the numbers, and this way, sooner or later, it would reach the limit. I was thinking how to make counting just between 1( or 10) and 0. Zero would be UP position, and 1 would be down position. My theory in my mind works ( we have to try it)
    Main proposition is that the ratio between the motor and the needle shaft is 2:1. One rev motor, and 1/2 rev shaft ( needle DOWN or UP)
    Connection of the motor is very important. We should connect ONLY PULSE wire. DIRECTION wire not to connect. This way, the motor would rotate always in one direction. If we have to change rotation ( for somebody who needs CW or CCW), then connect ONLY +5V from DIR.
    On the Needle shaft has to be Hal Effect sensor mounted ( magnetic sensor), and we have to connect this sensor to Index ( Mach3 input Pin), and at same time to use as a limit switch. This way, we would have absolutely correct counting of the stitches.
    So, the code should have only 1(or 10 if somebody needs) and 0. it would look like this:
    G1 X0 Y0 Z0 ( start pos)
    X1 Y2 Z1 ( needle down)
    Z0 ( needle UP)
    Like I said, no time to try it out, but you guys can do this. On the top of this, every start should be F100 ( just first 2-3 stitches) We need two M codes - one for solenoid for Jump stitches, one for trimming motor.
    every color change should start slow, but every finish ( before color change) has to end slow ( only 2-3 stitches). Every jump stitch should have M code for solenoid, and before color change, M code for trim.
    So this is my idea. Like I said, the generator works fine right now, this is just an idea. Maybe just to change the way of counting stitches, using index. Let me know if this would work.
    Do you have any improvement for multi head generator?

  4. #724
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    Mar 2009

    Re: DIY- CNC Embroidery Machine

    I too had wondered why the Z count kept incrementing. It seemed to me that a "modulo" function would be at work. i.e. zero and one, representing UP/DOWN.
    The Z-motor tuning (i.e. acceleration and deceleration) is also important to compensate for motor inertia.

    I've started getting pieces together to make a speed controller for my sewing machine (original 80watt) motor - and use the concept also for a coil winder (and electric drill) as I have a project to wind some pot cores.
    I've acquired-built the basic parts - PWM-opto_triac, zero cross detector, current monitor (ACS712) and opto-reflector for RPM sensor. I need a "slow speed" feature when coil winding,.
    I'm starting starting from scratch to design an Arduino PID speed controller, so I need to brush up on some PID tutorials.

  5. #725
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    Re: DIY- CNC Embroidery Machine

    Actually, If we use Z in Gcode 1 and 0. Then the problem is that we have to use a macro in Mach3 to make Z=0 every time after Z become one. This i think may overload the Mach3 and we would have reduce timing (its my opinion only)... We can use chargepump macro with some smart coding..
    I am making only 24PPR encoder that may be in future reduced to only 16PPR to reduce the overheads on Arduino...
    http://free3dscans.blogspot.com/ http://my-woodcarving.blogspot.com/

  6. #726
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    Re: DIY- CNC Embroidery Machine

    Why you need a speed controller?
    http://free3dscans.blogspot.com/ http://my-woodcarving.blogspot.com/

  7. #727
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    Re: DIY- CNC Embroidery Machine

    Quote Originally Posted by Khalid View Post
    Actually, If we use Z in Gcode 1 and 0. Then the problem is that we have to use a macro in Mach3 to make Z=0 every time after Z become one. This i think may overload the Mach3 and we would have reduce timing (its my opinion only)... We can use chargepump macro with some smart coding..
    I am making only 24PPR encoder that may be in future reduced to only 16PPR to reduce the overheads on Arduino...
    I'm not sure you understood my idea. If the motor is not connected at all to direction Pin, the motor will rotate in the same direction and reach 0. Basically, if the motor would have connection to DIR, then it would rotate in the other direction to reach zero. We don't give to motor any DIR, and the motor rotates always in one direction, even if thinks that rotates in the other direction. Like I said, connect the motor ONLY with the PULSE+, and PULSE-! Direction leave unconnected!

  8. #728
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    Re: DIY- CNC Embroidery Machine

    Regular embroidery machine has adjustment by RPM. If we use Hall Effect sensor for this purpose, it would be helpful.

  9. #729
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    Re: DIY- CNC Embroidery Machine

    Kiefer, i understand that in this case we no need DIR pin. But Tell me in Mach3 how will u implement this?..You need to Z=0 when it is 1... so u have to use the macro which will put some delay... Actually the encoder signals are not the overheads the actual bottleneck is Mach3 in this case unless otherwise we find the way to make Z back to 0 without using any macro.

    Bottomline is that you will gain nothing removing DIR signal...
    http://free3dscans.blogspot.com/ http://my-woodcarving.blogspot.com/

  10. #730
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    Re: DIY- CNC Embroidery Machine

    Quote Originally Posted by kiefer View Post
    Regular embroidery machine has adjustment by RPM. If we use Hall Effect sensor for this purpose, it would be helpful.
    Hall effect sensor will only give you RPM or speed value... But motor controlling encoder to get the position...
    http://free3dscans.blogspot.com/ http://my-woodcarving.blogspot.com/

  11. #731
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    Re: DIY- CNC Embroidery Machine

    Quote Originally Posted by Khalid View Post
    Kiefer, i understand that in this case we no need DIR pin. But Tell me in Mach3 how will u implement this?..You need to Z=0 when it is 1... so u have to use the macro which will put some delay... Actually the encoder signals are not the overheads the actual bottleneck is Mach3 in this case unless otherwise we find the way to make Z back to 0 without using any macro.

    Bottomline is that you will gain nothing removing DIR signal...
    This is what I think- If you move Z axis to 1, the motor will make one full rev. After that, you tell to motor to move to 0, the motor will rotate again one full rev, but in the other dir. If we don't connect dir, the motor will still rotate to zero, but it will be the same direction like it was with 1.

  12. #732
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    Re: DIY- CNC Embroidery Machine

    We're going to make a DRO which will count Hall Effect sensor. This way, we should have exact nr. of stitches.I have to say again, the G-code Generator works right now excellent. However, if we would have the code counting only between 0 and 1, we wouldn't have the problem with the limit of Z axis.

  13. #733
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    Re: DIY- CNC Embroidery Machine

    Quote Originally Posted by kiefer View Post
    This is what I think- If you move Z axis to 1, the motor will make one full rev. After that, you tell to motor to move to 0, the motor will rotate again one full rev, but in the other dir. If we don't connect dir, the motor will still rotate to zero, but it will be the same direction like it was with 1.
    yes.. You are right in this way it is possible... Now the guys who install servo on the wheel will be get benefitted... do you think stepper guys will get the same benefit?
    http://free3dscans.blogspot.com/ http://my-woodcarving.blogspot.com/

  14. #734
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    Re: DIY- CNC Embroidery Machine

    it would be nice if somebody would try it this way. If this works nice, then, my friend, you're going to have high professional G-code generator!

  15. #735
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    Mar 2009

    Re: DIY- CNC Embroidery Machine

    Quote Originally Posted by Khalid View Post
    Why you need a speed controller?
    Several reasons;
    1) Got an old sewing machine that has no foot pedal controller,
    2) got another old sewing machine that has an old variable rheostat for foot controller,
    3) I need a coil winder with very slow smooth speed control and may use my electric drill (non-battery type),
    4) May try to make a servo from a sewing machine motor - just for the educational exercise,
    5) I've always wanted to build one that works better than what came with the older sewing machines.

  16. #736
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    Re: DIY- CNC Embroidery Machine

    It doesn't matter if stepper or servo. The way how we move the motor is the same - with step and direction. If you use stepper for Z axis, you're going to have the same result, but maybe not so fast
    . if you keep additional setting in your G-code generator, then everybody can have the ratio to his need and everything should be fine. It came out, that this generator opens so many doors right now.

  17. #737
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    Re: DIY- CNC Embroidery Machine

    Quote Originally Posted by KOC62 View Post
    Several reasons;
    1) Got an old sewing machine that has no foot pedal controller,
    2) got another old sewing machine that has an old variable rheostat for foot controller,
    3) I need a coil winder with very slow smooth speed control and may use my electric drill (non-battery type),
    4) May try to make a servo from a sewing machine motor - just for the educational exercise,
    5) I've always wanted to build one that works better than what came with the older sewing machines.
    I'm not sure if you understand what kind of servo you need. You need servo or stepper motor for Z axis because this motor has to follow command of microprocessor and has to know at any time his position! Regular servo which is in any regular sewing machine is not good.

  18. #738
    Join Date
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    Re: DIY- CNC Embroidery Machine

    I don't have hardware to test.. May be Tivoi , KOC or You can do it ..
    http://free3dscans.blogspot.com/ http://my-woodcarving.blogspot.com/

  19. #739
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    Re: DIY- CNC Embroidery Machine

    Khalid - another idea, can you make input box on the generator for F speed for the start ( 2-3 stitches)? The same would apply to color change and the end of any cycles - eg. just before color change. I was looking professional machine, it has 100RPM on the beginning of the design, the end of every part with one color , and the end of the design.

  20. #740
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    Re: DIY- CNC Embroidery Machine

    Quote Originally Posted by kiefer View Post
    . if you keep additional setting in your G-code generator, then everybody can have the ratio to his need and everything should be fine. It came out, that this generator opens so many doors right now.
    You guys give the idea and i am here to implement... After sometime may be i involved in other projects of interest then at that time i would have no time to further program and update this software...
    http://free3dscans.blogspot.com/ http://my-woodcarving.blogspot.com/

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