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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    DIY stepper driver

    ok well I am trying to make my DIY stepper driver and I think I finally have the supplys but I need some help because im confused

    from what I understand the parrallel port is a TTL transistor so it can sink current and source current

    I have elected to get 2N3906 PNP transistors

    Collector/base voltage :40
    collector/emmitter Voltage :40
    emitter/base voltage: 5v
    power dissapation 300MW
    Vceo breakdown 25V
    Hfe at 10ma :50

    I have 4 rectifier diodes that can handle up to 1000v and 80 amps pulsed or 2.5 amps continuous

    4 5.1 volt zener diodes

    and a bunch of power MOSFETS all rated at Vgs :10-20 volts for full on power
    and up to 9 amps continuous current.

    Now my question is howto hook this up to the parrallel port..... right now i am really confused

    I have drawn a diagram to help

    I want to drive the MOSFET gate voltages with the transistors because the parrallel port only puts out +5 volts max

    So using an external 10 volt supply(or 20 volt supply), I will hook this up to the collector of the transistor and base of the MOSFET

    the base of the transistor will be hooked up to the +5 volt logic from the motherboard with a resistor in between and a zener diode incase there is any voltage spikes.

    The mosfet's alone I think can handle the reverse current from the inductance but you can never be too shure, they are rated at over 200 volts.

    Will this circuit work???

    how can I figure out the voltage that is going to be coming from the base of the transistor into my computer, I am not worried about the current because I think MOSFETs gate only draws a couple of nanoamps correct??

    Thanks for the help in advance
    the thing I am just really confused about is the voltage going through the base of the transistor and howto control it or figure it out.... is it proportional to the collector and emitter voltage?

    I have attached a diagram too
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails simplecircuit.bmp  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    look for unipolar stepper driver to get insight of what should be done to drive them correctly. Then see the international rectifier page for applications notes especially where it is describing driving mosfet .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Take a look at my website, maybe you will find some help and understanding there.
    Phil, Still too many interests, too many projects, and not enough time!!!!!!!!
    Vist my websites - http://pminmo.com & http://millpcbs.com

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