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IndustryArena Forum > CAD Software > Rhino 3D > Draw This...I dare you! (or help me)
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Draw This...I dare you! (or help me)

    I need some help. I'm still new to Rhino3d and so, my skills are painfully inadequate. I was hired to machine this plaque (below). The customer had another company laser scan the original. I was sent the code to run. The final product doesn't meet my client's expectations. The main reasons are that there are a few tool incursions into the outline edge of the part due to error from the digitizing. The client wants this thing nearly perfect.

    I don't think performing the digitizing process all over will fix the problem. More than likely, we may eliminate the 5 points that are problematic but create 5 new ones.

    The only logical next step in my mind is the draw the plaque from scratch using Rhino3d. I took the stl file of the original digitization and using Rhino3d, created a 2d outline of the plaque. I can add z-height to each area but most areas aren't a simple z-ht adjustment. The anchor tips are convex, the feathers are thicker at the bottom than the top etc. I'm not real sure how to approach drawing this. Any tips, help, pointers would be greatly appreciated.

    This would be an interesting project and I'm going to use MadCam to machine it. The file I was originally sent was generated from Artcam Pro and took 2 hours 6 minutes to machine. I'm real interested in seeing how MadCam compares.


    Chris Robinson

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Hi Chris,

    Can you post a pic so we can see what you are trying to do?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    I had uploaded the file or so I thought! I'll try again here.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Wings5small.JPG  

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Here's the file...

    Here's the igs file from the digitization.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Did you ge the help you wanted?

    I am working with my new laser and importing the file I use Tools>Commands>Read From File> I choose iges. Then my file where ever it is. In my digitizing program we have the script written so after the import it lofts the surface...

    Your point cloud my be to few points... I am using .002 res., I think the best step will be .003. it reads every 16 milliseconds.. Another words are your points close enough to get the surface resaloution you want? My trouble right now is the file size. I am trying to scan HUGE things, like fountians, full size things...
    I tryed to open the file with my rhino and I did not get it to open.. If you would post it as a iges I will see if I can do anything with it...


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Sorry... I choose .txt.. I have my laser save it to file IGES, the it becomes a txt during the conversion... Laser to script to harddrive the I open it with rhino via as described above...

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