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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Benchtop Machines > Dyna DM 2400 Help questions ??
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Dyna DM 2400 Help questions ??

    I recently aquired a Dyna 2400 mill. It looks almost new and it I can tell it was hardly ever used and may have about 50 hrs on it but it was stripped of all of its electronics and steppers or servos and control and someone put handles on the X and Y axis with no graduation dials so you dont even know how far you are moving it. I have no idea why it was stripped but it was. The Sindle assembly and motor are still intact but all of the wires were cut off where they went into the control panel so I have a cord full of wires and now have to trace where they go to at least get spindle motor running and go from there I guess. What a shame.This machine looks like it is very well built and quite sturdy for its size.
    Would it be worth my while to convert it back to CNC and if so should I use stock parts or go with servos and maybe a different control that will accept G Code or am I wasting my time? I am no electronics wizard but with some time a little money and a bit of help I think I could bring this little gem back to life and put it to work since it has never really done any.
    Any suggestions, comments, costs, links etc. would be greatly appreciated.
    It seems a shame to leave this little machine as a manual mill with handles that dont even have an accurate positioning method.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I have a post in this forum that I started that is covering my conversion of the Dyna 2400 mill. LINK TO THREADI am very near completion on my conversion and may be able to help with info for you. Look at my thread and see if the picture of my screws are the same as yours. If so they are a 2.5mm pitch. That equates to 0.0984251 per revolution of the screws.

    As for the spindle. The motor in mine is an 80vdc PM motor. This is about a .4-.5hp motor. Mine needed to be rebuilt as it was in very bad shape. There are plenty of 0-90vdc motor controllers that can be found on ebay that will work with these small motors.

    I do not clame to be an expert at converting these things....in fact this is my first converison and I have a local friend who is helping me with the electronics. We have however been able to aquire some servos that I think will drive this machine quite well. You will also find in my thread picture of how I made the motor mounts and how I turned the couplers to attach the motors to the screws themselves.

    Ask the questions that you have and I am sure someone on here can answer them and I will try to help also.


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