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IndustryArena Forum > Mechanical Engineering > Epoxy Granite > Epoxy-Granite machine bases (was Polymer concrete frame?)
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  1. #481
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Martin ,The Zone server appears to have some problems.Maybee some lithium based grease on the server ballscrews would help.I lost 2 posts and waited 60 minutes to get back on the Zone.

  2. #482
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by lgalla View Post
    ....15 to 20hp vacuum,.....I guess they produce lots of heat??? Larry
    15 to 20 Kilowatts; and considering you would heat a 3000 square foot home with a 25 Kilowatt electric furnace your 3000 square foot workshop would be toasty warm.

  3. #483
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by lgalla View Post
    Martin ,The Zone server appears to have some problems.Maybee some lithium based grease on the server ballscrews would help.I lost 2 posts and waited 60 minutes to get back on the Zone.
    Dear Larry,

    I would direct both components at the new IT man.

    Best wishes


  4. #484
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Qu'est-ce qui IT homme ou
    Que-es IThombre.
    Me no Ingles Me no comprender.ou no comprende.
    Me speak CanadianEH!EH!AA.Porfabor explique IT-man.
    Gracias & merci.
    Lo siento para mi ingles malo

  5. #485
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Oh No,
    Larry is a french canadian hispanola. :rainfro:

    The servers are working fine now ; ) Glad I'm waking up rather than going to sleep.

    Martin, sounds like a really good match with material characteristics. Makes me feel less like chicken little, but that is not to say I'm right. Rather overengineer a little than underengineer and get suprised by less than obvious weaknesses.

    Not to mention it is a vermin barrier. Nothing worse than hearing that phantom noise and finding out it a mouse running back and forth through your cnc complex/mouse circuit track ; )

    I have yet to see the commercial hollow tube versions (in horizontal).


    Haven't looked at that site for a while. They always have some exotic stuff. The kevlar got me thinking a bit theoretically. If you had those short fibers mixed in (low stretch, high strength, poor compressive) Theoretically it might be a good match with epoxy granites compressive strength. Although you don't have optimal alignment through mixing.

    As for what we end up with on a practical (affordable) basis might be altogether different.

    Since I'm working with veneers, I might try to put together a high aspect piece of e/p under constant load and outside, subject to heating and cooling. It would be an acid test more than practical but have implications.

    Hmm I could borrow from that thermoelastic memory foam commerical and put a glass of wine on one side and use the legs (wave residue) to measure the vibration conduction versus steel and concrete. Well now I'm just getting carried away.

    Guten Morgen

  6. #486
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    Sep 2006
    I feel like that commercials where the cell phone connection is bad and there is no response to a joke.

    I'm a iriscotfreital :rainfro:

    I saw a show on the bay bridge which was designed to withstand 8.5 scale earthquakes. The component they were building was a square with 4 tubes radiating from it. So I think I'm not unhappy with the concept I drew.

  7. #487
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by lgalla View Post
    As I have a small 15cfm pump I will experiment with it.Perhaps a vacuum storage tank would help.An aircompressor tank is not suitable as it will collapse under vacuum.Really!
    ....As a first project for your router could you attatch a solid plastic sheet to the top and rout the slots???Rather than trying to cast the grid.
    I have a fridge compressor for vacuum pump and I use a propane tank as vacuum storage. It's actually an old Primus 5 pounder, but i've seen setups where 20 pound propane tanks were used on DIY vacuum forming tables.

    Why not rout slots directly on the spoil sheet?

    Best regards


  8. #488
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    I like the idea of extruded styrofoam. I would encapsulate it completely in E/G then you can forget about it's expansion rates. Another solution would be to design the moulds so voids as casted in the E/G, that I believe Larry had mentionned this while ago.

    How is that can prototype coming out? or did I dream you were going to do something with a beer/soda can?

  9. #489
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Kevlar is an expensive product that's nowadays difficult to get our hands on. The product is owned and produced only by Dupont and they have problems in supplying demand.

    Best regards,

  10. #490
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by martinw View Post
    Testing, testing

    Has the cnczone server gone "clunky" ????

    Oh dear, oh dear. The zone is still clunky. What is the IT geek up to?

    News of "new posts" and "daily posts" are there, but the threads don't get refreshed.

    The wheels are coming off the wagon.


  11. #491
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by lgalla View Post
    Qu'est-ce qui IT homme ou
    Que-es IThombre.
    Dear Larry,

    Foreign languages were never my strong point. It takes me time to decipher.

    In the UK, IT is an abbreviation for Information Technology.

    These people run the computer systems in any organisation, and have the power to make your life utter misery.

    You can usually find them in the basement of any large building at weekends.

    Best wishes


  12. #492
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Not overly serious on the kevlar. I would hope chopped strands would be more abundant. Of course maybe spectra. Either way if it wasn't commercially available you would have to chop a bunch of fishing line. Give you something to do while your emptying those beer cans

  13. #493
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    I'll take a spin on IT. I believe this site is based on vbulletin, shareware. It used to be cfm based (Cold Fusion now Macromedia) or have cfm version. I developed a corporate website with vbulletin that primarily put together key corporate information but had board capabilities.

    I definitely had my frustrations with them but if you think about if they screw something up it all comes back on them. Everybody wants this little change or that so typically they develop a beauracracy that makes all these little change makers manageable.

    The big IT fear is one little change will have multiple implications which will come back to them. Similarly to leave open some security back door. So the safest course is to block all change. Typically they can throw out some standard jargon and you'd generally be none the wiser but frustrated.

    This site hit its peak in October according to stats. The fact that they needed to add server capacity lead me to one or both of fewer people posting more or more server intensive files like images and video. A last components is as this site adds more sections it comes up more in searches and there are more guest viewers. I'd have to say all in all this site is flourishing. The beauty of it they have software like webtrends that pretty much tracks where the interest is how many exposures people are getting to a given advertisement it is all very quantifiable in some regard.

    So the new IT guy is probably trying to figure out how to manage these peaks without spending more money on servers.

    From my perspective we can't complain to much the advertisers are effectively picking up the bill.

    I never had easy interaction with IT but then again I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.

    Besides if that was I was doing I would search this site for IT or IS and see who is complaining ; )

  14. #494
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Hay Martin
    These people run the computer systems in any organisation, and have the power to make your life utter misery.

    You can usually find them in the basement of any large building at weekends.

    I was waiting for an order and payment from Germany for days and assumed it was off.Aparantley their E-Mails are screwed up.His E-Mails went to my Spam bin.Now I have the order two speaker cabinets 48"X36"X30".They weigh 300lbs each and have to be on a plane Monday for Frankfurt to be in time for a pro audio show.Did I start building:No.Do I have the materials:No.Can I get the materials:No the tranny on my truck blew.Will any of the employees work the weekend:I don't know.Am I worried:Yes&no:Usually I can get through impossible ods.
    The IT guys in the basment really made it difficult.Speaking of basements,anyone a plumber.When I got home from work to work on empting those cans for the cause,the basement was flooded.I am now just taking a break from mopping.To bad you guys are a Zillion kilometers away.I am sure you would offer a hand.Gotta get moppin again
    How do you put the pasted quotes in those grey boxes?

  15. #495
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    If it is pvc I can help you. Otherwise some sort of compression sleeve might work in the short term.


  16. #496
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Seven of nine resistance is not futile,you can separate from the collective.BTW Seven do you like the round Borg Vessels or the square?I think the cubes are cool.BTW I like your derry air[bad spelling so no delete from the queen Borg].
    Acctually the hot water tank rusted out.The 24hr Emergency guys will be here in 4 hrs.Fast service???
    I have some Kevlar pulp or micro fiberes experience and will post after another mopping .

  17. #497
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Mopping complete,just have to wait for the fast emergency guys to appear.To bad I didn't have 5 minute cure underwater epoxy.I hate waiting.Perhaps post,posting,posting will help pass the time away,Here goes...
    I do not like to say it but there is a shortage of Kevlar and carbon fiber as there is a war going on.The military gets first choice.No need to worry as kevlar micro fiber has little use to E/G.A very small%of kevlar merge or pulp rapidly thickens the epoxy into a jello consistancy drastically reducing the obtainable E/G ratios.It would be useful between joints in a bolted frame as it will not run.A grinder on K/E is almost usless.Really tough stuff.Milled glass fiber in small % to E/G would re-inforce the bond strength between aggregates and resist micro cracking.I think it would enhance E/G properties.
    Bruno thanks for the propane tank idea.Cheap way to increase volume.
    Waiting for these service guys may result in many more core cans,hic.:cheers: :cheers: :nono: :cheers:

  18. #498
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    News of "new posts" and "daily posts" are there, but the threads don't get refreshed.

    The wheels are coming off the wagon.

    Reply With Quote
    Perhaps suda used THK'S rather than bishop wisecarvers:cheers:

  19. #499
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Hi all

    Not sure if this thread is still going as the last few pages seem a bit off topic for E/G but here goes anyway.

    I used to work for a laser imagesetter company in Canada and we had (and to my knowledge still use) E/G to make our internal drum machines.
    Here's a link to Anocast's site with a pic of our drum at the top of the page.


    Having read some of the posts this is what i can add...

    Surface accuracy +/- 0.001" out of the mold.
    Cost around $5k
    Mold cost + $100K
    Smallest feature 1mm square vacuum grooves.
    Weight around 600 plus Kg
    Size ~ 1.2x1.8x 1 meter high

    The whole mold was placed on a giant paint shaker to settle tha agregate mix after a initial pour of pure epoxy was used to coat the reference surfaces. Mold was upside down so curved surface of the drum was facing down.
    Uprights were seperate casts and bolted to the main drum casting.
    All inserts were held in place by bolts from the outside of the modular/demountable mold. This was a problem as they sent us a mirror image once as they had incorectly assembled the mold prior to pouring...opps.

    The gantry for the linear stage however was made from cast iron with a machined surface for the linear bearings and linear motor which were set true using infratometry (sp?) optical methods.

    I think that E/G is fine for uprights and bases as these are under column loads but not for gantry type applications. I am not an engineer but I think that if you look at the typical application this is how it is used.

    Not sure how true of a surface one would get from a "float" setup as the epoxy will go off in different rates so some movement could be possible.

    Very interesting thread BTW. Still wading thru all the posts.


    Mark Hastings

  20. #500
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    All alone in the Zone.
    Hello,Ola,Hallo,Anybody out there?Cyberspace is truly lonley.Have to forget about those emergency responce guys gotta go sleep.1:14 AM here.

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