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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Fanuc 10TA programming manual?

    Wondering if anybody has copy of Fanuc 10TA programming manual. Been operating machine for a while just like to know a few things. I don't want to be a mooch. I don't mind paying but $280 is crazy just to look up a few things.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Re: Fanuc 10TA programming manual?

    Well, I can't find the 10TA manual I had, so until someone comes up with one, ask away.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Fanuc 10TA programming manual?

    yeah just ask here. we can tell you just about anything you need to know.

  4. #4

    Re: Fanuc 10TA programming manual?

    Hi, I have something scanned, send PM

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Fanuc 10TA programming manual?

    can you post it here so we can all benefit? or put it online and post the link. thanks!

    btw, your PM inbox is full so people can't PM you anyway.....

  6. #6

    Re: Fanuc 10TA programming manual?

    I hope it will help

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Fanuc 10TA programming manual?

    some of the earlier Fanuc manuals had titles that were mis-leading.
    this manual actually contains mostly parameters and descriptions.
    what is needed is the Operator's Manual (but without the Appendixes text)
    Normally there are two, one for Lathe and one for Mill.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Re: Fanuc 10TA programming manual?

    Quote Originally Posted by stump1102 View Post
    Wondering if anybody has copy of Fanuc 10TA programming manual. Been operating machine for a while just like to know a few things. I don't want to be a mooch. I don't mind paying but $280 is crazy just to look up a few things.
    Quote Originally Posted by fordav11 View Post
    can you post it here so we can all benefit? or put it online and post the link. thanks!
    Quote Originally Posted by nsdjole View Post
    I hope it will help
    Please forgive me for being a bit of a prude, but posting Fanuc's copy-written material here is illegal. If they charge $280.00, it is their prerogative to do so. They paid for the R&D, the assembly and the creation of the documentation. They choose to sell it...it is theirs to control.

    I post MANY helpful manuals on the Doosan Forum, but none that are copy-write protected, nor sold by Doosan, Fanuc, nor anyone else.

    If it has the ©, it is illegal to post it without written permission. (right next to FANUC LTD ,1986 on the front cover)

    Ok, I step off of my soapbox...
    Doosan Service Technician
    [email protected] O:973-618-2461 M:973-803-9479

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Fanuc 10TA programming manual?

    try to buy that manual directly from Fanuc. Please let us know the outcome
    (hint: you will fail miserably because they don't have these old manuals in stock)
    either way, there are thousands upon thousands of Fanuc manuals online on numerous sites.
    if you are complaining here you should also be complaining there too, and have the sites taken down.
    no better, complain to the government that the entire internet should be shut down because it contains copyrighted materials (billions and billions and billions of items)
    please let us know how you get on. thanks!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Re: Fanuc 10TA programming manual?

    It seems that I have upset you by stating that theft is wrong.

    Please, forgive me, and go about your life as you wish.
    Doosan Service Technician
    [email protected] O:973-618-2461 M:973-803-9479

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Fanuc 10TA programming manual?

    you stole 5 minutes of my time. I'd like it back. thanks.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Re: Fanuc 10TA programming manual?

    I'm sure your floating morals and penchant for grandiose statements of justification will enable you to deal with such a minor loss. From this interaction, five minutes of a life like yours couldn't amount to any worth.

    I tried being polite...it seems that polite doesn't work for you.
    No worries. I can adjust.

    Feel free to reply. I can do much better.
    Doosan Service Technician
    [email protected] O:973-618-2461 M:973-803-9479

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