Dear Industry,

Akela Australia Pty. Ltd. as part of the Sinot group are proud to announce the expansion of the US Made Fryer CNC Machine tool agency in to Australia. Fryer Machines are known througout the US for their quality, reliability and outstanding after sales service. Fryer currently have over 10,000 CNC Machines in operation throughout Canada, USA and South America and have recently expanded its agencies in to NewZealand and now Australia through Akela Australia Pty. Ltd. and the Sinot Group.

Due to the opening of the Australian Agency, we are currently offering extremely low introductory prices that fall in line with many of the Asian made machine tools, but the beauty of Fryer is the quality, precision and pride of a US made machine at an affordable price.

For more information please contact Dave Drain - [email protected]

Kindest Regards

Dave Drain
(General Manager - Akela Australia Pty. Ltd.)