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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Full Spectrum Laser

    What ever anybody does stay away from Full Spectrum Laser In Las Vegas, these people will do everything to get your money then leave you hangin when there machine fail. They won't do anything to fix their problems. They lie and try to blame you for their junk. Stay away.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Which model do you own and what's the problem?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    the problem is they don't want me to bring this junk back to fix, they make like they do but every time I ask for an appointment to get it fixed they say just drop it off they take a look when they have time. I tell them I have to wait for it I can wait a day thats not good enough. they want me to wait as long as it takes Like I can afford to just rent a room till the fix it. gessh its just a tube or power supply shouldnt take more then a couple hrs.

  4. #4
    How old is the machine? is it still under warranty?

    Strangely enough, your experiences aren't that uncommon from other posts here.........

    best wishes


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    I bought this machine in October it has less then 100 hrs on it and started having problems with it on day one. The software is awe full the support is awe full. When the machine works it does a nice job after you get around all the software glitz's , and some hardware problems. I'm not a techy type so I depend on support from the manufacture and all they want is your money, if you tell them your having problems they tell you its your fault or your computers fault. When you tell thenits not your fault they call you a liar. I;m still trying to talk to them and get this fixed now they don't want emails from me they want to talk on the phone so theres no record of what they tell me, NOT GONNA HAPPEN!

  6. #6
    I guess that's one of the things I dislike about the States (bearing in mind I was born there) is the way companies seem to get away with selling crap then refusing to do anything about it. Over here if a company tried that they would find themselves sued into bankruptcy in pretty short order or closed down by the trading standards authority.

    Yet even with all the warnings and evidence about some companies shoddy business practices people still buy from them?

    All companies have problems on occasions (I do) but when a business fails it's customers as a matter of routine it really is time that people voted with their money and purchased elsewhere.

    I'm not knocking you BB but your far from the first person to make statements like the one you have.

    best wishes


    ps: the machines are manufactured by G.Weike, maybe contacting them may be a better option, they are usually VERY good at sorting problems.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    Dave thanks for that info, I sent them an email but not sure how thats gonna work since their in China and there website is in Chinese. I did a translate page so we'll see if they understand my problems.

  8. #8
    A lot of the Weike girls speak almost perfect English and often can be found around here, Lucy, Mel, Abby and quite a few others are here on a daily basis.

    best wishes


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Exsecratio View Post
    A lot of the Weike girls speak almost perfect English and often can be found around here, Lucy, Mel, Abby and quite a few others are here on a daily basis.

    best wishes

    Maybe one will see this and get in touch with me.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Email from Full Spectrum Laser

    This is an exact quote from Henry Liu I think he owns Full Spectrum Laser or at least is head Mgr. Not sure which. heres a copy of his email to me today.
    Now remember I've been trying to get this fixed for weeks now and all I asked for was an appointment where they could devote time to my machine . I didn't demand time , all I wanted was a day sometime in the future when they could fix my machine.

    "Bring it in Jan 10, 2011 at 9am.

    Best we can do is test it and see what's wrong and try to get it out
    the door as quickly as possible. I do not guarantee it will be done
    the same day. Techs can call in sick; they might be busy with phone
    calls/email load from people that demand quick service, etc. Best we
    can promise is to take a look at it and try our best to get it out the
    door with regards to what else is going on that day. This machine is a
    hobby laser with hobby level support. I've already told you it's
    best to ship it in first and pick it up when it's ready. If we don't
    have enough time to test it then you might just need to bring it in
    again if it have problems and our goal is to get done and tested

    Seems Like phone calls, email , and other people who demand quick service are way more important then me who is waiting for weeks asking politely for a day any day in the future to get this thing fixed.

    Is it me???

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigbird48 View Post
    This is an exact quote from Henry Liu I think he owns Full Spectrum Laser or at least is head Mgr. Not sure which. heres a copy of his email to me today.
    Now remember I've been trying to get this fixed for weeks now and all I asked for was an appointment where they could devote time to my machine . I didn't demand time , all I wanted was a day sometime in the future when they could fix my machine.

    "Bring it in Jan 10, 2011 at 9am.

    Best we can do is test it and see what's wrong and try to get it out
    the door as quickly as possible. I do not guarantee it will be done
    the same day. Techs can call in sick; they might be busy with phone
    calls/email load from people that demand quick service, etc. Best we
    can promise is to take a look at it and try our best to get it out the
    door with regards to what else is going on that day. This machine is a
    hobby laser with hobby level support. I've already told you it's
    best to ship it in first and pick it up when it's ready. If we don't
    have enough time to test it then you might just need to bring it in
    again if it have problems and our goal is to get done and tested

    Seems Like phone calls, email , and other people who demand quick service are way more important then me who is waiting for weeks asking politely for a day any day in the future to get this thing fixed.

    Is it me???
    He's being pretty straight forward about what you can expect. It would be pretty bad if he gave you a firm appointment time without letting you know that it might not be resolved same day. I don't know whether they sell support contracts, but his response implies that they either do or include a higher priority support for their higher end lasers. Giving priority to customers that pay more is a pretty common practice for most businesses.

    If you live close enough to drive to their office, I'm curious why you don't want to drop it off and pick it up later? If the laser is not not working, then it's not like you'd lose production time by it sitting in their office for a few days, instead of at your place.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigbird48 View Post
    This is an exact quote from Henry Liu I think he owns Full Spectrum Laser or at least is head Mgr. Not sure which. heres a copy of his email to me today.
    Now remember I've been trying to get this fixed for weeks now and all I asked for was an appointment where they could devote time to my machine . I didn't demand time , all I wanted was a day sometime in the future when they could fix my machine.

    "Bring it in Jan 10, 2011 at 9am.

    Best we can do is test it and see what's wrong and try to get it out
    the door as quickly as possible. I do not guarantee it will be done
    the same day. Techs can call in sick; they might be busy with phone
    calls/email load from people that demand quick service, etc. Best we
    can promise is to take a look at it and try our best to get it out the
    door with regards to what else is going on that day. This machine is a
    hobby laser with hobby level support. I've already told you it's
    best to ship it in first and pick it up when it's ready. If we don't
    have enough time to test it then you might just need to bring it in
    again if it have problems and our goal is to get done and tested

    Seems Like phone calls, email , and other people who demand quick service are way more important then me who is waiting for weeks asking politely for a day any day in the future to get this thing fixed.

    Is it me???
    It might be it seems as if you want someone to guarantee how long it will take to fix something, its almost like going to the Dr and wanting to be well right now. I was a technician from 1967 until 2009. My pat answer for someone that wanted me to say when I could get it fixed, about 30 minutes after I figure out whats wrong with it if we have the parts. And that was a joke because often depending the failure and the difficultly of tear down and reassembly plus any re-calibration required there was often no way to know. And if there was an intermittent involved then who knows. So anyone that wants what you seem to be wanting should probably just fix it themselves.

    If it was really that easy and straight forward anyone could do it. That said I would hesitate to do business with this company from what I have seen of them here.

    Good Luck..

  13. #13
    This machine is a
    hobby laser with hobby level support
    That sums it up for me really,was the buyer told that in the bill of sale?

    So anyone that wants what you seem to be wanting should probably just fix it themselves
    I'd disagree GM, if I paid for a product of merchantable quality I'd be raising merry hell if it didn't work...if I didn't get what I'd PAID for.

    best wishes


  14. #14
    No company should assume anything

    A small job I did free of charge last year lead to an order worth 7 figures, I didn't know that when I did the original job, if I had the same attitude as the other 9 companies they approached I would have never known what business I missed out on.

    The customer that spends 10 bucks today may never want anything else,BUT what about if that order leads to $10,000 a week?

    Customers pay our wages, they pay our bills, they finance our lifestyles....is it too much to ask that they are treated with the respect they deserve for doing so?

    best wishes


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    I have been following this post and wondering why does anyone believe that a hobby laser would take more than an hour or 2 to fix? I have diagnosed and bad power supply and replaced it in a matter of about 30 minutes, a new tube only took about that long also. It is not like there are hundreds of parts in a hobby laser. I feel, it would take no more than a couple of hours to diagnose the problem and then fix it. It is not an automobile. If they know their machine, they can do it, but only if they want to. When someone does not want to do something, they make excuses for why it can not be done. I only hear excuses.


  16. #16
    Milt's got it

    well said

    best wishes


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Full Spectrum Laser

    Its not like I'm asking for anything anyone else wouldn't ask for from a respectable company. All I want is an appointment to bring my machine in and have it fixed. Then have them devote that time they told me to come in to my machine. Not phone calls ,email and other people who demand fast service. and then mine when they have time, after all they told me to bring it in. Hey I have to travel 300 miles to their shop, spend a night and return. If they can't fix a hobby laser in 2 days they don't belong in the business as far as I'm concerned. If its something not under warranty I told them I'd pay for it.
    I'm not a business and I'm not a techy to much. I'm just a person with a very limited disability income trying to make a couple bucks on the side. So far all thats happen is I'm about $5000 dollars in the hole and going deeper.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Bigbird48, I do not feel that you are being unreasonable at all. All you are asking for is for them to set aside a few hours, and at their convenience, so that you may have the priveledge of traveling 300 miles to visit them. There is no reason or excuse at all that can make me believe that they can not make time for a customer that is willling to do more, than they are willing to do for the customer. I have never done business with them, and I NEVER WILL. And by the looks of the comments on this website, not very many interested buyers will either.


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Exsecratio View Post
    That sums it up for me really,was the buyer told that in the bill of sale?

    I'd disagree GM, if I paid for a product of merchantable quality I'd be raising merry hell if it didn't work...if I didn't get what I'd PAID for.

    best wishes

    Dave I never said they shouldn't fix it for him I said it isn't reasonable to expect anyone to know whether they can fix it while he waits. I don't even know anyone that will give you a guarantee something like that on a commodity as simple as a PC.

    He doesn't just want it fixed he wants it fixed on his terms only. They have stated they will do their best but that doesn't suit him. Again if it was easy anyone could do it. It may or may not be and no one can know for sure until they get their hands on it.

    In spite of what others say in the fix it business there are always got ya's jumping up.

    Bolts twist off wires break, connections aren't what they are supposed to be all kinds of unexpected stuff jumps up when you do this every day.

    Now if they sell enough of these maybe they should have an exchange set up. I see people on these boards all the times trying to get equipment they spent hundreds of thousands on and they can't get it fixed in a month..


  20. #20
    Bolts twist off wires break, connections aren't what they are supposed to be all kinds of unexpected stuff jumps up when you do this every day.
    I definitely agree there Garry it's rare in the fix it game you get the full story either "My PC stopped working it's your fault"...what they don't tell you is they just pressure washed it in the garden

    I'm always very sceptical of singular scathing reviews of any business (I've had a couple myself) but when it starts to become the norm the old adage "no smoke without fire" does tend to be more and more applicable

    best wishes


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