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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Our plant has recently recieved a W&S lathe with a Mark Century 2000 control. I dont have a any manuals. Does anybody have a G-code and M-code list for this control? Or does anybody have any manuals as well. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    I'm sorry. Just worked on one this morning myself.
    I have LOTS of manuals at work, but they don't belong to me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I have lots of W&S lathes but they all have Fanuc controls.W&S tended to use special G codes on the machines I have.
    I also have lots of lathes with GE2000T controls but none of them are W&S.
    Come to think of it,I have not seen a 2000T control on a W&S over here,plenty 1050`s though.
    As MAG Group now own W&S I would ask them.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Ok thanks. Another question: I need to slow my rapid down and wonder what parameter it is.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Go in to the MSD and change the setting of AXSxx21.
    xx refers to the axis.
    You can set each axis to different speeds if you wish.

    If you`re still stuck for G & M codes I may be able to take pics of the relevant lists.The binding of GE manuals does not lend itself to being opened out flat.
    I`m not sure if W&S would stick with standard codes,all me W&S lathes with Fanuc controls use special G codes.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Thanks for help. I will try that tomorrow when I get to work. I found the g and m codes in the help screen.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I forgot about the help screens.
    Consider that this control was made in the early eighties and think about what Fanuc was like then,the GE was miles ahead in operator friendliness.
    Try and get a programming manual,it will really open your eyes.I would be happy if my Warners had these controls.
    I got a pdf of programming arcs and another for offsets which Ive scanned and photographed for someone which I will send you if you let me have your email address.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    My email is [email protected] . I looked for books and they are hard to find . This is our third W&S . One fagor, one fanuc and the Mark Century. Anything I can get in this machine would be greatly appreciated.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    I found the AXSxx21 in the MSD in the help screen. I can not figure how to change it. I can cursor down to it but it will not let me change it. I press cursor ---> and nothing happens. Is there something I need to turn on to let me change it. Sorry about all these questions but I never delt with this control before. Thanks

    There is a MSD Editor under setup but it does not list any ASX's. I can edit those by pressing cursor ---->.

    On our Fagor W&S there is a toggle in the back of the controls that has to be flipped to change parameters. There is one in the back of the Mark Century 2000 but it does weird stuff.

    Something came up that there might be several levels of securitys. Dont know if you have to get to those to open the ASX in the MDS editor. If that is the case I dont have a passord that it asks for. There might be a general password used for the 2000 controls. I am just throwing this out there. The whole reason I am trying to change this is because it alarms out in X rapid and when I slow it down to 50% it does fine. When homming out at 100% it will completely gop pass the homming switches.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    If you guys know where to find a replacement keyboard I'd be grateful.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    I find hardly anything for the 2000's but you can find some for the 1050's

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Ive got a few keyboards for the GE2000s but I`m keeping them.The keyboard and the rack mount power supply are the main two hard to find items.I think someone is repairing power supplies but not the keyboard.
    I`ve probably got five complete controls and lots of extra boards in the store.
    The toggle switch on the GE2000 board should be in the middle position.The other positions are to run the control without the machine running and when using the support board.
    There are four privilege levels (passwords),you need level four to change the MSD.
    It`s easily done if some smarty has not changed the OEM password or not recorded it.
    When you see someone parting out a control on Ebay you should contact them to see if they have manuals.I think Fanuc can supply manuals,or at least they could up until they parted company with GE.

    Does your W&S have Hiak axis drives?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Back lash compensation on GE Mark Century 2000

    I got a Cincinnati Vercipower with a GE Mark 2000 control and I would like to like to know how to compensate back lash on X axis?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    GE call it reversal error.
    If you are not using leadscrew compensation the backlash amount is entered in to MSD parameter AXSxx30.
    It is normally entered as a plus but depending upon machine config may have to be entered as a negative.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    GE Mark 2000 help

    For some reason I can't change X value at AXSnn30 and I'm using a level 4 password access...Please advice.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Calatayud1 View Post
    For some reason I can't change X value at AXSnn30 and I'm using a level 4 password access...Please advice.
    Move the cursor to the field you want to edit.
    Press cursor right button and you should get a split screen showing the field in reverse video and also in normal.
    You should then be able to change it.
    Power down to save changes and back up.

  17. #17
    Calatayud1 Guest
    There was something wrong with the memory of my machine, there are missing a lot of parameters in the MSD EDIT screen…I’m not sure if I did something wrong yesterday but I installed the extra bubble memo board (OEM MSD files) in the computer rack and I rebooted the MB1:MSDMC.OMS file. After doing this I was able to see a big list of parameters in the MSD EDIT and MSD HELP screen but AXS parameters don’t appear.
    I wonder if I didn't restore all files correctly.

  18. #18
    gridley51 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Calatayud1 View Post
    There was something wrong with the memory of my machine, there are missing a lot of parameters in the MSD EDIT screen…I’m not sure if I did something wrong yesterday but I installed the extra bubble memo board (OEM MSD files) in the computer rack and I rebooted the MB1:MSDMC.OMS file. After doing this I was able to see a big list of parameters in the MSD EDIT and MSD HELP screen but AXS parameters don’t appear.
    I wonder if I didn't restore all files correctly.
    Did you jumper the bubble board correctly?
    The OEM can also set up parameters in the MSD that can not be editied in the usual way.
    Can you email me as this board is now a disaster area and I`m not coming back to it until it works.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2013


    Does anybody have any idea what the error is on boot up I get sometimes. It says:

    I then have to isolate the machine to open the electrical panel to check the status of the LED's on the NC and turn back on again, but it then starts up ok every time. It might be ok then for a couple of days. Any help with this alarm would be much appreciated. Thank you.

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